Im not finished with you

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Adrenaline was bumping throughout her body. Rage was igniting in her chest. She needed to turn around and hide before anyone saw her but she was so angry that she couldn't move.

Footsteps were drawing closer. She needed to make a choice. Hide or confront Vince. But her time had run out. The tall figure of the king had appeared before her with the expression of shock on his face. He snapped his eyes at Alfred. "What is the meaning of this, Alfred?"

Alfred was speechless. He stumbled on his words, not really forming a proper sentence. You could see the poor man shaking where he stood.

"Is it true?!" Rose interrupted.

Silence fell upon the men. Vince stared at Rose not really sure what to say. He just continued to stare an uncaring expression.

Rose looked at both the men waiting for a response. But got tired of their silence. "Well? What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Me? You should be careful how you speak to your king!"

Tears began to swell in her eyes. The hurt. The pain. The anger. The absolute anguish!! How dare he play her like a fool. "It was tou!" She jabbed her finger at the kings chest angrily. "You killed my fiancé!! How could you, you had no right!" Hot tears streamed down her face. All this emotion building up had finally come crashing down.

Alfred was sweating profusely. Complete frozen and unsure what to say at this point. But Rose's finger jabs were starting to annoy Vince. "You best keep your hands to yourself. Lest you regret it."

This made her angrier. "Why did you do it? You've destroyed me! My life, my family!!" Her face fell. She was completely distraught. Silence filled the hall they were standing in. Sniffles sounded from Rose. She was in a moment of disconnection. Her mind was silent. All she could think about was the fear Gabriel must have felt.

The shuffling of Vincent's arms alerted Rose and snapped her out of her thoughts. "Rose, I think it's best you-" his arms were leaning in to wrap around her body. But quickly she slapped him away. "Don't you dare touch me!" The malice and pure venom coming from her voice startled him.

But quickly out of nowhere, a loud smack rang in the air. And Rose had fallen to the floor whimpering in pain. Shock was apparent on Alfred's face. "Your majesty-"

"Silence! She was highly out of line." Vince checked his pocket watch then clicked it shut. "I'll handle this. Cancel the dinner reservations."

Rose was silently crying on the floor when the king grabbed her arm and snatched her up. "No-" he pulled her back against his chest and covered her mouth with his hand. He leaned close to her ear and whispered a sinister "shhhh". Tears fell from her eyes, dripping down Vince's hand. He then buried his nose in the crook of her neck, smelling her perfume.

Rose wriggled trying to remove herself from him but he just held on tighter. Suddenly they were on the move. His hand firmly on her wrist as he pulled her along down the corridor. "Please! Let me go!" Yanking her hand was only hurting her worse. "Ow! You're hurting me!" She fell behind which caused him to yank her up, hurting her shoulder. Her wrist was already sore from earlier.

Finally they reached a large door. The king opened it and inside was an absurdly large room. A huge lavish bed with matching red furniture. It was obvious this was the kings chambers.

He dragged Rose through the door, then closed and locked it. "No! No please!" She managed to remove her wrist from his grip but she fell bottom first to the ground.

Why didn't she just run. Why'd she have to expose herself like that and get caught. She wouldn't be in this situation if she'd just leave.

Vince stared down at her. Anger flamed in his pupils. He slowly stepped toward her. Rose crawled backwards on her wrist whispering, "nonononono". She picked herself up hoping to run to a space he couldn't reach. There was a window. Maybe if she tossed a chair at him it would distract him long enough for her to open the window and crawl out.

Rose darted towards the nearest chair but before she could grab hold, she felt his hands latch around her shoulders, slamming her down on the table that was beside her. He leaned into her backside, grabbed the back of her neck and used his free hand to slowly tuck her hair behind her ear.

"Please don't do this." She begged.

"We're not even married yet.. but the things I want to do to you." He inhaled her scent while caressing her exposed neck. Fear froze poor Rose. She didn't know what to do. She was completely under his command in this position. She just wasn't strong enough to fight him off. This made her so angry. She was too weak to do anything for herself.

Vince started kissing the up and down her neck then licked the crook. Sliding his tongue slowly up to her jawline. She moaned in surprise. It was not a pleasure moan. But he smirked thinking it was. "You're body wants to. You can fight all you want but you will never win." He lifted the back of her hair to the top of her head and kissed behind her neck. Slowly moving down to her back. He pressed his crotch into hers and leaned in closer to her body. Then he snatched up her hair and kissed Rose on her lips. He was ferocious. At first it was just closed lips. Then he began passionately kissing her. His hand under her jaw with her hands wrapped on his arm. Her back was still against his chest. But he wanted to kiss her further.

Her jaw was shut tight. So he he reached his free hand to her thighs and gently touched inbetween. She gasped from this so he took the chance to slip his tongue and rubbed it all along hers. He sucked on her lips, absorbing all of her taste. Vince went back to kissing her neck, focusing on that spot a over her collar bones.

Regrettably Rose moaned to this. She didn't want to give him this reaction. Still, he was ravenous. He was licking and kissing all over as if he were a hungry wolf.

Tears trickled down her red cheeks while his hands slowly lifted her silk dress above her hips. He squeezed her thighs really hard which hurt Rose. Her squeals of pain made him smirk. He put his arm around her stomach, and unbuttoned his own pants. As he lifted her dress ready to insert himself, a knock sounded at the door.

Rose was so relieved. Vince clicked his tongue, buttoned his pants and removed himself from Rose. When he opened the door there was a guard waiting for him. Rose couldn't hear what they were talking about but she decided to take this time to escape. She ran to the window and attempted to open it. Vince closed the door and looked behind him to see Rose trying to leave.

She desperately tried to open the window before he got to close. But time had run out. He snatched her hand and placed a chain cuff around it. "Hey what are you-" then he locked the other side on the bar of his bed that was holding up the lovely red curtains. "Unchain me!"

Vince scoffed. "I'm not finished with you." A chill tan down her spine. "I have something important to handle. Once I'm done... I'll finish handling you. I guarantee you'll be too tired to move once I'm finished with you." Rose's mouth went so dry from the fear of what he was going to try.

And with that he turned and left, locking the door behind him. And yet again, Rose was left all alone in a cold room with nothing but her thoughts.

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