A mate

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After danny and i danced for a few thedance ended and finally i could go back ho.......um go back to the tree. After what happened tonight...i needed a nap. When i woke up it was morning again and i had to go to school. I grabbed my stuff and started walking,The day went slow as usual and Finally i got to 6th hour, math. I took my seat and in a couple of seconds a guy i havent seen before came in the door. There was only one seat in the class,by me so he sat. "Hello" i said trying to be friendly. "Hey" he said and stared at me. I sorta blushed and then it happened....i thought something i havent thought in 100 years "He is kinda cute" maybe this is the sign,this is the sign i asked from jason,he is trying to tell me something.....to move on. I actsidentally droped my pencil so we both leaned to pick it up and our hands touched. I felt a spark and blushed, "Thank you" i said when he picked it up. "Yea whats your name?" he asked. "Kassie and you?" i replied "Brandon,nice to meet you. he said with a smile. "And to you" i replied. I caught myself looking at him a couple of times he was really cute,dirty blond hair,eletric blue eyes a sweet personalty....i felt this feeling before but not in a long time....could this be love?

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