As Patrick stared at her with his eyes twinkling, taken aback by her beauty, Stan wiped the water off his face and asked, "Wendy? Where's the lifeguard?"

"I am the lifeguard. I make the rules, sucka!" Wendy grabbed a water balloon and threw it at Stan. "Boosh!"

Stan dodged the first balloon, before seeing Wendy had two more. "Aah! She's attacking me with water!" He yelled, running away from her, as she threw the other two.

Patrick, Dipper, Soos, and Soos laughed as they watched him run off. Dipper then whispered to his cousin and said, "I'll leave you and Wendy alone."

When his cousin walked away, Patrick turned to Wendy and smiled. "Wow. You work here," he asked, wanting to spend time with her.

"I found out lifeguards get free snack privileges," she said, before pointing down at her highchair. "Plus, I get the best seat in the house."

"Yeah, you do!" Patrick exclaimed with enthusiasm before laughing. But then he stopped and whispered, "Why am I laughing so long...?" He stared at her again, and couldn't look away.

"Dude, are you and Wendy having a secret staring contest," asked Soos. "'Cause I think you're winning—"

"Soos! Shh!" Patrick quickly pushes Soos away, hoping that Wendy didn't hear him. Wendy looked confused at Patrick. "So, hey, you wanna go chuck more water balloons at Stan," Patrick asked her.

I'd love to, but I gotta spend the day doing tryouts. We're looking for a new assistant lifeguard," Wendy told him, gesturing to the second stand next to her.

Patrick's eyes widened. This was it. This was the chance he's been waiting for! He could get the job as the assistant lifeguard, hangout with Wendy for not only the day, but the whole summer at the pool. This could actually lead to him growing their relationship. "What if I was the assistant lifeguard?"

"That would be so much fun! You're totally in, dude!" Wendy exclaimed in excitement and threw a rescue can at Patrick, who caught it. "You just have to check in with my boss first, Mr. Poolcheck."

"Your boss?" Patrick looked at where she was pointing to and saw a tall, muscular, tan-skinned man with sharp, angular features. He had a square jaw, an Adam's apple, prominent cheekbones, and a low brow, giving him constant narrowed eyes. He had short blonde hair with a receding hairline. He wore a red polo shirt, white shorts, white tennis shoes, a gray whistle over his neck and a dab of sun lotion on his nose that gave him a typical lifeguard look.

The masculine man threw down his clipboard and took a deep breath. Poolcheck then got down and did push ups with hand claps, before doing pushups with his index fingers.

He turned his head in Patrick's direction, making Patrick gasp. This was going to be intense.

As he walked over to her boss, Wendy was left to wonder why she was so happy that Patrick wanted to join her in the pool job. Sure, she was excited for him to be the assistant lifeguard, but when he offered to work, Wendy was really happy. She felt a similar feeling when Patrick turned out to be alright after she saved him from the Summer Trickster. Compared to how she's been feeling around with Robbie recently, bringing around Patrick made her feel genuinely happy.

The boy that Mabel was attracted to was drinking lemonade. Enjoying his time at the pool. But then suddenly, Mabel bursted out of the water with a gasp of air next to him. "Wow! Oh my gosh, how crazy, bumping into you even though we don't know each other!" She said, using a really lame pick-up line.

But just like any normal person, the boy stared at her like she was strange. "How long have you been underwater," he asked in a deep, thick Spanish accent.

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