I just wanted a sandwich

Start from the beginning

He was instantly grabbed by the gloved hands, turning him around so he faced the terrified mr delmar. His spider sense rushed through him again, and he felt the cool metal of the gun being pressed into the back of his head.

"Hand over the money." He simply stated.

"W-we don't have much cash, most of our customers use credit-"

"Hand. It. Over. Unless you want me to get the floor dirty with this kids blood." The criminal pulled his finger, and the sound of the safety clicking off filled the air. My spider sense was going off so loudly it was almost painful, pounding in the back of my head.

Mr delmar immediately tensed, and started digging around under the counter. After 2 minutes or so, he pulled up a tray, emptying the contents onto the counter.

"Please, take the money. Let pe- the kid go" I felt so useless. I could do something, yet I wasn't, and he was loosing his money because of me.

But I couldn't risk my identity, or mr delmar getting hurt. So all I could do, was stand and watch it happen.

Two of the guys in the background came forward, grabbing the money and pocketing what they could, throwing the rest into a bag.

"You have the money, please let the kid go." Mr delmar pleaded.

"You know what? Since you asked sooo nicely......." his eyes glinted something dangerous. "I think I'll keep him."

Everyone in the room looked surprised.

I was surprised.

"Boss, t-that wasn't the plan?" One of them whispered.

"It wasn't, but this has worked so well, why can't we keep doing it? With a kids life in our hands, we can get anything we want. We don't even have to rob small shops like this, we could do something bigger." He grabbed the back of my shirt, pulling me towards him. Putting a firm grip on my hair, he pressed the gun against my back.

"And you. You call the cops on us, we'll shoot him where he stands. Got it?" The criminal addresses to the people in the shop. After he had made sure everyone wouldn't, he pulled my hair back harder, using the gun to push me forward.

"You scream kid, and you'll never scream again." I nodded, well, as much as I could with my hair pulled back, and slowly moved forward.

The barrel of the gun uncomfortably pushing into my back made me arch forward, making it harder to walk. As I was looking straight up, I didn't see the can on the ground, and tripped over it.

"Get up! Don't go causing more of a scene than you need too." He kicked me in the stomach, pulling my shirt up so I stood again.

"P-please sir, let me go" he responded by punching me in the face.


Man that guy can hit.

I could feel blood running down my face, and I was pretty sure my nose was broken.

"Boss, are you sure about this? If we get caught now we won't just be charged for stealing, we'll have kidnapping and hurting a minor!"

Peter Parker One Shots Where stories live. Discover now