Zombies and Ugh, Feelings

Start from the beginning

"Well, I think you're the best piece of artwork in here." She giggled again as her cheeks turned rosy. She pushed her hair back again. 

"Call me sometime." She wandered off, leaving you feeling slightly warm inside. Sarah was still talking to her boy and looking through his sketchbook. So, feeling giddy, you turned back to the teacher to find him munching on a stone statue. You and Sarah exchanged a look.


You wandered back to school, Sarah had gone off with her boy which left you alone. When you got to school, people were running al over the place and trying to leave. It was only fourth period. 

You shrugged your shoulders and went inside.

"Ethan? Benny!" You rounded a corner and saw nothing. "Where are you guys!?" Something grabbed your arm and yanked you into the bathroom next to you. You were about to scream when you saw Ethan pressing a finger to his lips.

"What's going on here?" Benny was almost hyperventilating in the corner. 

"All of the teachers have turned into zombies!" Ethan whispered. Sarah pushed her way inside and turned to the boys.

"Did I miss anything?" Benny was about to answer when Ethan spoke up.

"I just had a vision about what's turning people into zombies. It's Lotta Latte." You and Sarah spoke at the same time. 

You: "Coffee is what's doing this?"

Sarah: "I know. I had a chat with the folks down there earlier." 

Benny checked the hallway; Sarah had knocked all the zombies out. 

"Can we leave now?" Ethan whimpered. 

"I mean, not without washing our hands." Benny pointed to the sign on the bathroom door. You cracked a tiny smile but the others weren't having it. 

"There's probably more zombies out there. We have to find a way to stop them."

"Why is it always us?" Benny cried. 

"Well, in every zombie movie, it's always the same. Smash 'em in the head." Ethan seemed pretty proud that he knew this. You cringed.

"We can't kill our teachers." Benny's eyes lit up.

"Maybe we don't have to. In Super Dead 4 they cured the zombies with antizombulex." You gently punched his shoulder.

"Way to go, Benny! Looks like we're getting a cure." You glanced to Sarah. 

"Fine," she said, "looks like we're headed to the lab."


You stood outside in the hallway as Ethan and Benny snuck into the teacher's lounge. The hallway seemed clear for now, but you were still antsy. Sudden;y the door flung open and Ethan rushed out. 

"Run!" You sprinted after him and didn't even look back. 

"Benny?" Ethan shook his head and you guys kept running until you got to the lab.

"Did he-" You paused, out of breath.

"No, he's getting the sample." You exhaled and inhaled painfully. Benny ran in with the coffee. 

"I-I got it! Whoo! That was intense." He set the machine down and you glanced at him. He looked pale.

"Are you okay?" He locked eyes with you and let out a grin, still breathing heavily.

The Girl Next Block Over (Benny Weir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now