Where It All Began

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~All stories have a beginning, and sometimes they have a second beginning. Let's start with the second one, shall we? It's much more interesting!~ -Chishiru

~Brief Character Backstory~

(Y/N) (L/N), Benny Weir and Ethan Morgan hadn't been friends forever, but they've been friends long enough to know each other better than anyone else ever could. They met back in grade four, just three years before junior high. By then, Benny and Ethan had already become best friends, that's expected since they live right next to each other. (Y/n) was the new girl in school. She had moved to Whitechapel from (Where ever you want to have lived before). She had been trying to find a classroom when she noticed a group of kids picking on them. Being the nice girl she is, she went over and returned the favor. By that, I mean she beat up the bullies and got in trouble. She didn't mind though as she now had two amazing friends. They had looked up at her with amazed eyes; no one had ever stood up for them before. And as fate often does, she ended living fairly close to them. Now she wasn't the girl next door, but she was the girl a block over; she only lived about a street away. In fact, she could see their houses from her lonely, back window. Why lonely? Well, that's because the only other occupant of her house is her pet. Her parents disappeared shortly after moving here, but she didn't want to be taken away from her new friends. So, she kept it a secret. The first time she met Evelynn Weir she found out about her magical powers. She was an earth priestess. Evelynn trained her, taught her Latin, and showed her many of the things that she would have to show Benny down the line. Her number one rule was: 'Always keep this a secret until it's time to tell them.' So (Y/n) hid her powers from her best friends, but she used them frequently at home. Cooking spells, cleaning spells, etc., anything you could think of she used to keep herself healthy and within a street away from her best friends. 


Benny: Get over to Ethan's ASAP!

(Y/n): Why?

Benny: To celebrate our initiation!

You smiled at his dorky text and told him you would be over soon. Knowing that they expected you to bring food over, you grabbed a bottle of pop and some random junk food you kept in case things like this happened. Throwing on a jacket to keep warm, you grabbed your keys and headed for the door. 

"Bye, Bear. I'll be back soon. I expect you to keep everything under control while I'm gone." You said while you patted the head of your only roommate a.k.a your pet st. bernard. Smiling, you stepped outside into the cold, brisk night air and locked your door. Being a little wary since it was dark out, you speed walked over to Ethan's to avoid any....unpleasant encounters.

Arriving at your destination, you opened his front door and walked in. Knowing that his parents were out, you didn't bother with formalities like knocking. Jane was sitting in front of the t.v. watching Dusk, for like the millionth time.

"Hi, Jane!" You greeted as you walked over to her.

"Hi, (Y/N)!" She waved and then instantly turned back to her movie.

"Look at all this!" You heard from the kitchen. "What'd you do, rob an ice cream truck or something?" Ethan said as he and Benny sat, even more, food down on the table. You walked over and added your stash to the pile. You all waved to each other in greeting but didn't interrupt the conversation with a hello. No one needed that in this friendship and you were all okay with it.

"Tomorrow we officially join the high school brotherhood. We are men...and woman. We must mark the moment." Benny said as everyone took a seat. 

"Great, we can all have our blood pressure super high in case we need to ditch a class tomorrow!" You exclaimed only semi-sarcastically. 

The Girl Next Block Over (Benny Weir x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now