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Galaxies. Why does it take so much pain, and tears for such beautiful things to bloom across your skin? There were tons of galaxies, already starting to form on my honey like skin. Streaks of red blood and fading white scars surrounding the blooming galaxies. They almost looked like shooting stars, making me want to make a wish to end all this. Making me want to wish to escape this horrifying reality.

Look outside into the dark of night, I looked towards the sky, looking for an actual shooting star, hoping to make a wish tonight. After waiting to see one for ten minutes, I gave up, realizing that this was my life. This was how I had lived, will live, and how I will forever live. I fell asleep, crying to myself softly, again.


I woke up the next morning to the sound of shuffling in my small room. Slowly, and carefully opening my eyes, I saw my adopted mother, walking back and forth gathering up what seemed to be my clothes. I knew enough not to say anything if I didn't want to get beaten. She looked like she was in a happy mood this morning. Actually, she was smiling so wide, and humming to a song that I thought she didn't think she was the women who had given me bruises and scratches last night. She turned around, and caught me looking at her. I saw her, and cowered in fear, trying to hide under my thin blankets. 

"Oh good! You're awake!" she exclaimed.

I was so confused. She was never this happy to see me awake, much less look at me at all. She tells me, and I quote, "You ungrateful child! Why are you even alive! You don't deserve to live at all!"

"W-what are you doing?" I asked hesitantly, scared she would start lashing out at me for talking back to me.

"I'm packing up all your stuff, of course," my "mom," Angela said casually.

"Why?" I asked.

"Don't talk back to me," Angela said, her personality changing in a blink of an eye. "Don't say anything and follow me."

I got up, slowly, doing as she says. She handed me a box full of my clothes. She picked up another box, and walked out the door. I didn't have much stuff, so it only took two boxes to gather up my personal belongings. 

I followed after her to the backdoor of her house. Angela walked out, and excitedly skipped to a car, parked near the sidewalk. I didn't want to follow her because I didn't know know who it was, or why it was there, or why Angela was taking all my stuff, and stuffing it lazily into some random car I've never seen. But I knew better then that, so I followed her, carrying the second box of my belongings. I gently placed mybox in the trunk of the car, and looked around to find Angela. I spotted her talking with a boy who looked about 17 in the driver's seat. 

Frowning, I crept towards them, and tried to make myself known. I got behind Angela, and the boy noticed me. We made eye contact, and I got the chance to take in his facial features. He had soft brown eyes, and freckles scattered like stars across his nose and cheeks. He had chubby cheeks, resembling a squirrel, but once he turned his head, I could see the sharp jawline that he had. He had dirty blonde hair, sitting in a mess on top of his head. It was probably dyed because I saw a bit of his brown roots at the top of his head.

"Is that her?" he asks Angela.

Angela turns her head to look at me, her face changing into a look of disgust.

"Yeah," she says in disgusted. "That's her."

"Sweet," the boy exclaims. 

He stretches out his hand from his car window, waiting for me to shake it. He smiled at me, saying, "Hey. My name is Amil."

I stood there dumbfounded. No one has ever been this nice to me. I didn't know what to do. My social skills weren't the best, though that was obvious seeing that I've been trapped inside houses, getting tortured my entire life. 

"U-um, Hi?" I mentally face palmed, thinking of how stupid I sounded. "My name is Naomi." I finished, sounding more confident. I stretched my hand out awkwardly, shaking Amil's hand. 

"Let's get going now, yeah?" he suggests.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"She doesn't know yet?" Amil asks Angela. 

Angela just rolls her eyes. "Why would I tell her?"

"Because she's your daughter? Well she was..."

"Was?" I questioned suspiciously. 

Angela rolled her eyes and turned towards me. She rested her hand on one of my shoulders and faked a sweet smile. 

"I'm selling you, sweetheart."


Ew cringe 

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