"If she doesn't mind, the Council would like to talk to her," Obi-Wan appeared out of nowhere.

"Sure," Callisto replied kindly, although she mentally rolled her eyes.

She was stealthy as she walked, always on defensive mode.

She walked with Obi-Wan, Anakin watching them go off.

When they reached the council room, it was empty. Suddenly, the man who was so called 'Obi-Wan' started shifting into a tall, disgusting, purple creature.

"You're going to pay for killing my brother," The creature snarled. Callisto pulled out her lightsaber and turned it on.

The creature pulled out a lightsaber whip, Callisto's least favorite type of weapon. She couldn't calm herself, something about this creature was stirring up a storm inside of her. Therefore Force lightning was useless.

"Come on, scoundrel. Give it your best shot," The creature smirked.

Callisto charged towards him but quickly realized his skills with his weapon were far superior to hers.

She wouldn't give up that easily. She reached out and used the force to bring his weapon to her.

It came right to her, but he had done the exact same thing to hers.

"You can use the force?" She questioned immediately.

"There's lots you don't know about me, babe," The creature sassed.

She screamed in anger and charged towards him once again. He also had skills with the lightsaber, apparently.

Anakin heard the scream outside and walked to the Council room.

Locked. Callisto must be really angry. Anakin used their force bond to talk to her.

Everything ok? He asked. He felt her mind.

Fear. Resilience. Pain.

Something wasn't right.

Anakin pulled out his lightsaber and cut through the lock, entering.

Callisto was battling some ugly ass guy with pokey arms. And losing. Anakin ran towards the thing and began battling it.

The thing had taken Callisto's lightsaber.

Now the creature was taking on two at once, and Anakin was much better than either of them. However, the creature pulled Callisto towards it and held her tightly, a lightsaber to her neck.

"You move, and I cut off her head," The creature roared.

"What's your deal?" Callisto replied cockily.

Don't make him mad, Anakin told her mind. She rolled her eyes at him.

"Look, there are many other ways to handle this," Anakin said and slowly put down his lightsaber.

"Really? Because it only seems right that I get revenge by murder. After all, she killed my brother," The creature said and tightened his grip around her neck.

"Murder isn't necessary. We can talk this out," Anakin warned and walked closer to them slowly. The creature looked conflicted.

After a second of thinking, the creature spoke again, "I'd love to talk, hun. But if I can't kill her now, then I guess I'll just get it slowly."

The backpack on his back turned into a jet back and he quickly busted out of the window.

"No!" Anakin screamed. He went too quickly for Anakin for pull him back.

Anakin sprinted to get a speeder. His legs were moving faster than his heart rate, and that was saying a lot.

He hopped on a speeder and looked through all the streets, not seeing them.

This was going to be bad.

uh oh turn of events
this is about to be bad lol oops

𝘗𝘐𝘌𝘊𝘌 𝘉𝘠 𝘗𝘐𝘌𝘊𝘌 | A. SkywalkerWhere stories live. Discover now