We walked inside the classroom, finding a seat. There was circular tables everywhere. Billie, Kaiden, Lexi, and I all sat at one, leaving one seat open.

I rested my head on Billie's shoulder. I was tired as hell. I did not want to be here right now. Not only because it's school but because I had a bad feeling that something bad would happen. Billie's tried convincing me all morning that everything's fine, but the feeling just won't go away.

Billie grabbed my hand and interlaced our fingers, rubbing small circles on the back of my hand with her thumb. She brought our interlaced hands to her lips and kissed my knuckles. "Everything's gonna be alright, okay?"

I smiled softly. "I hope so."

I looked up and furrowed my brows once I saw Aiden sitting down at our table. "What're you doing in here? This is a class for tenth graders and up. You're a freshman."

He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. It was an option and I'm not about to turn down food."

Kaiden held his hand up for a high five and Aiden hit it, making a loud clap. "Amen! You've got the right idea."

I groaned. The one place I'm supposed to be able to get away from him, I can't.

The bell rang, signaling that it was time for class to start.

"Hello everybody." The teacher clapped, gathering everybody's attention. "I'm Mrs. Price and I'll be your teacher for this semester."

"No shit." I heard someone say.

I turned around and rolled my eyes. It was Damian Parker. All the people at his table was laughing, hitting him on the back, and all around being obnoxious.

"Damian, how many times are you going to take this class?" Mrs Price asked. "I'm bout damn tired of teaching you."

The whole class burst into a fit of laughter, while Damian's face flushed. Jacob Parker, who of course was also in this class, laughed obnoxiously loud, throwing his head back.

Mrs. Price cleared her throat. "Anyways, because this is your first day back for the semester, today will be easy. I'm about to pass out a worksheet and all you have to do is fill out your name and list a couple of interesting facts about yourself."

The class groaned out in annoyance. "I'm not asking a lot. Hell, I don't care if you just write one fact. Just do atleast one and you'll get a hundred for a test grade."

Billie turned to me. "She cusses and her class is easy. I like her already." She grinned. I nodded in agreement.

Mrs. Price passed out the page and I pulled a pencil out of my book bag. I wrote my name at the top and dropped my paper. I have no idea what to write for an interesting fact.


"Yes, my love?"

"What's an interesting fact about me?"

"Let me think. There's a lot to choose from." She smiled.

I smiled softly. "You're fucking cute and don't say you're not because you are and that's on period."

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