Christmas Special

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A/N: Hey everyone! This chapter won't be very long, I would say it's kind of a filler chapter maybe? Christmas is in a few days so I thought why not🥰 Also, I've been working on a new story! I'm not sure what it's going to be called yet, but I have three chapters down :) Love you all!

*Months have passed since Bucky and Tony shared their relationship, and everything has gone pretty smooth. The Avengers of course still support them unconditionally.*
*Tonys POV*
I was awoken by my alarm around 8:15, snuggled up next to Bucky.
"Well good morning sunshine," Bucky says with a smile plastered on his face.
*Grumbling* "Morning," I answer as I rub my eyes. Then it hits me: It's Christmas! I bolt up, causing Bucky to do the same. "What are you doing?" He asks. I pick up my shirt off the floor from last night and throw it on. Midway through, I answer Bucky. "It's Christmas! We have to get everything ready!" I finally pull my shirt over my head and see Bucky holding up his phone whilst snickering. "What are you doing- you best not have gotten a picture of that!" I yell. "Oh, you bet I did," He responds. "James Buchanan Barnes, delete that!" I say getting back into the bed. I try grabbing it, but he extends his arm in the air. "C'mon love, give it," I say. He answers by looking down at me and smiling. "This is so my new background." I roll my eyes and reach for it once again, even though I knew I wasn't going to get his phone. "You look so cute when you're worked up," Bucky said. I smirk, meeting eye contact. "I'm always worked up, Barnes." "Exactly." Bucky then leans down and kisses me.
"I love you, Anthony."
"I love you, James."

"Alright, everyone! We need to get this show on the road!" I yell, clapping my hands. "Ingredients are all set out for the cookies, Tones!" Rhodey calls out. I give a thumbs up and make sure I put all the gifts I bought for the team are under the tree. After counting them, I pace around and make sure everything was coming together. "Tony, stop stressing! It's going to be perfect," Nat says grabbing my shoulder. I smile and nod. "Yeah, okay. You're right." I take a deep breath and go to my room. The only present I hadn't set out yet was Buckys. I wanted to make sure it was perfect.

"Hey, Mr. Stark!" Peter said as he walked through the door. "What's up, kid?" He smiles warmly and places a neatly wrapped box in my hands. "That's for you. I, uh, getting everyone something isn't really on May's- I mean my budget. Please do-" "That's alright kid. Dinners ready, go take a seat at the table." As Peter leaves, I take a good look at the gift. "*Sigh* Good kid."
"Tones, we're waiting for you!" I hear Rhodey yell. "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," I reply back. I haven't seen Bucky all day because of all the planning I had to get done, so I'm excited to see him... maybe in a suit? Probably not, he's not as extra as me. "I'm here !" I say walking in the kitchen, throwing my hands up. As I look for an empty seat, my eyes stop at Bucky... wearing a black suit. I practically run (okay, maybe that was an exaggeration) to the empty seat next to Buckys. "You look nice," I say smirking. "I'm only wearing this for you, Stark." I shake my head and put some food on my plate. After we all eat, we head to the (huge) Christmas tree. "Alright everyone, who wants to go first?" I call out. Peter immediately raises his head but doesn't say anything. "Alright Pete, here you go," I say giving him his present from me. He tears the wrapping paper off and stares at it. "I- thank you Mr.Stark," He says with tears in his eyes. "Well, are you going to show us?" Nat asked. Peter held up the frame, revealing an old picture of us when he first got the "internship". I taped a little note to the side saying, "Merry Christmas, kid. Love you."

*After everyone opens their gifts, aside from Bucky and I*
"Alright love, this is for you," Bucky says, handing me a gift. I cock my head and shake it. "What'd you get me?" Bucky laughs and says, "well why don't you open it, you weirdo!" I smirk and begin to tear the box open. Inside was a framed picture of Bucky and I cuddling on the couch (Peter, Sam, and Steve always took pictures of us), and a Christmas ornament with another picture of Bucky and I dying of laughter after watching The Hangover. The last thing in the box was a note.
"Dear Tony,
Words really can't express how much I love you. You took me into your house after I did something unimaginable. You helped me heal, and taught me to love again. You made me realize that I had a meaning in the world. In your world. You know I can't write worth shit, but Anthony Edward Stark, I love you so much. Have a good day, handsome.
I look up from the note, realizing that I was crying. I wrap my arms around Bucky and squeezed him tight. Whispering, I say "You're the best boyfriend in the world." As I break away from the hug I excitingly hand him his present. He looks up and me and then starts to gently open it. He pulls out a scrapbook and flips through the pages. Many of the photos were taken by the team, mostly Sam. Bucky and I were always inseparable, from laying on the couch to sitting on the kitchen counter talking about our favorite books. Other photos were taken when the team went to the beach, or when we went to the park, shopping, 6 flags, Ice Cream shops, Times Square, and so much more. He flipped through each page, examining the picture. On the last page, I put my note in one of the plastic openings.
"Dear James,
I can remember the night you came to the compound like it was yesterday. You looked so scared, like you were afraid you would change at any given moment. You looked so... destroyed. But I fell for you anyway. Hard. My world was upside down, and you came and turned it back up. You changed me, and trust me, that's hard. I don't know how deal with me on a daily basis, but i'm so glad you do. James, you are the light of my life. I love you.
-Tones <3

Honest to god, I don't think i've ever seen Bucky cry. After reading the letter, he looked up at me with tears streaming down his face. He wrapped his arms around me, and we hugged once more. When we pulled away we both smiled at each other. "How did I get so lucky?" James says in a small voice. "You are pretty lucky, aren't you."

A/N: I am so sorry. This was supposed to come out on Christmas🤦‍♀️ There will most likely be a time jump, because I'm feeling really unmotivated. Again, I am truly sorry for not updating, and I love you guys so much.

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