"Please, forgive my manners." Their hostess looked embarrassed. "I am Lady Chamilia Burgen." Gesturing toward the woman by the fireplace, "This is my husband's mother, Lady Catherine, and my children Allen and Charlotte," she finished proudly.

"Are you here by yourselves?" Tormund asked surveying the room. A houses filled with only women and children would have been no cause for worry, if this was the True North, and if they were Free Folk. They would all be able to protect themselves fiercely. This family, or what was left of it, did not look like they could last through a few moons, let alone an entire Winter. He was instantly concerned for them.

"Where are your men?" Brienne inquired, afraid she knew the answer.

"My husband, and his father were killed at Winterfell, fighting the dead." Lady Chamilia looked down sadly.

"Then they fought bravely, and died honorably." Brienne comforted.

"Were...were you there?" She asked staring at Brienne's armor.

"Yes." Brienne said quietly. "We both were." The young widow nodded silently.

"Then, you are the only ones here?" Tormund questioned. His worry for them growing. "Do you have enough supplies to last through the cold?" He asked, already knowing the answer. He saw Brienne's expression also fill with dread at the thought.

Chamilia looked ashamed, and tried to cover her poverty. "Oh, we have enough." She stuttered, eager to change the subject.

"You...you mentioned Queen Sansa." She diverted attention from her plight. "Please, we'll do anything we can for House Stark."

Brienne smiled. "The Queen has tasked us with ensuring the unity of the North, and with making sure that her people are safe and secure."

"Our fealty is Sworn to House Stark." Lady Chamilia vowed proudly. "Our loyalty to the long reign of House Stark is unwavering. We will give all that we have."

"It appears you have already done that." Brienne looked at her compassionately. "The Queen would like us help you with whatever you may need." She could tell the woman's pride would not be easily overcome.

"We will be fine." Chamilia assured them, smiling bravely but not so believably. She noticed the light through the windows was beginning to dim. "Would you please dine with us this evening." She wanted to prove that her family was provided for, even though they were not.

"Oh, thank you." Brienne smiled. "But we wouldn't dream of imposing." She answered as Tormund nodded in agreement.
"We have our own supplies." Brienne continued. "If it would not be too much trouble, might we ask the use of your barn for out lodging this night?"

"Oh goodness, no!" Lady Chamilia looked shocked. "I'll not hear of you sleeping in the barn. No agents of House Stark will be turned out in the cold." Her dignity was evidence that this woman had seen finer days. "You will have a bed, a warm fire, and anything else you require." She promised. "I also insist you be our guests for dinner. It will not be much, but it will be hot."

Brienne and Tormund smiled at each other. After so many nights at inns, building shelters of branched, and just plain sleeping on the ground a feather mattress and toasty fire sounded far too nice to decline. Tormund was eager for Brienne to enjoy the luxury, and accepted quickly. "We're honored. Thank you very much." He acknowledged gratefully, and presented a deep bow which any highborn male in Westeros would have envied. Brienne's eyes widened in astonishment. This man was continuing to surprise her. Straightening again to his full height, Tormund gave her a huge smile.

"It is settled, then." Chamilia grinned. "Dinner is nearly ready." She reported, and looked over at her daughter. "Charlotte, I need your help in the kitchen." The small girl obediently ran to her mother's side. "You too, Allen." She nodded. Her little boy reluctantly followed his sister.

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