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From Parameshwarran

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From Parameshwarran

Alright, let's start with an easy one...


*cough* sorry about that. But seriously though, Steven and Connie have gone through many things together and they have always been there for each other. Steven helped Connie to confront her mother in "nightmare hospital". Connie helped Steven with the guilt he felt because of what happened with jasper, bismuth and eyeball in the episode "mindful education".  Stevonnie is a clear representation of the bond of love they share, even garnet sees that!! And these are just short examples, I could go on all day but I don't want to make this a long explanation. While I do see why many people don't like this ship, and I totally respect their opinions, I gotta say that their arguments are... weak. But most of those arguments are about Connie and this is a book about ships. I will talk about Connie when someone requests it in my book about specific things about SU.

Anyways... I SHIP IT!!! 10/10.






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