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"Shit" I groaned out flinging the covers off my body slamming my hand down on my 7:00 alarm as it blared through my ears, how the hell didnt I wake up on the first 6? Maybe it forgot to ring; either way I was going to be late
I definitely was going to be chewed out by my oh so understanding mother.
Heaving out an exasperated sigh, I hauled my ass to the bathroom.

Thirty minutes later and I had finally gotten dressed. Staring at myself in the mirror I smiled, you know those days where you're feeling good about yourself? Today was one of those days. Grabbing my backpack I made my way to the dining room.

"Happy birthday" my mom and dad smiled warmly when I entered the kitchen. Ah yes, the 18th birthday, the Mate day. Werewolves wait so long for their mates, you know, it's basically our reason for existing, I have been saving myself for all 18 years of my life, so my gorgeous mate can take me; fully, body and soul. For the first time. Sounds pretty stupid doesn't it?

"Thanks " I smiled and chuckled as my mom kissed my temple, whispering a 'you're lucky it's your birthday'.

"Excited about finding your mate today?" My dad questions, he's so fascinated with me finally finding my mate that he can't even think straight.

"Beyond" I drawled, with an eye roll. My mate was very likely to reject me, not because I was ugly, or anything appearance wise; just due to the face that I was an omega.

"I'm sure you'll be in better spirits when you actually do find her" my mom chuckles

"Yeah" I sighed then rises from my chair and hauled ass to the front door "I guess, anyways, it's time to go I have ten minutes"

"Love you!" My parents called to me as I ran down the street to the school.
Five minutes to spare, I smirked as I checked my watch.

You're a boss

Chuckling at my thoughts I started loading my locker and unloading my backpack. When I began putting my backpack into my locker a body slammed into my side, my breath momentarily left my body upon the impact.

"Chase!" The loud voice screamed in delight. I groaned.

"Denise, its way to early for this" I gave her a side hug and continued to load my locker

"Yeah yeah" she waved with a grin "happy birthday"

"Thank you" I chuckled

"Where are we going for celebration?" Her eyebrow skyrocketed in askance making me laugh

"I don't know" I put my last binder in my locker before turning to her with a shrug " I had planned to hangout with my family, watch some tv, sing happy birthday, the regular human stuff"

"No" her head shook vigorously before jutting a finger at my chest "youre 18 you're supposed to find your mate today." When she said the word 'mate' my wolf started to make itself present. I don't know if I'm ready for this.

"Yeah, hopefully she wants Me"

"You know she will" I nodded at her assuring tone and huffed as the late bell rang. Damn it.

"I've got to get to class" Denise nodded at my annoyance with being late before running to her class, before she got to far out of sight she threw a "See ya" over her shoulder then continued on her way.

I always hated being late, it was so antagonizing. How dare everyone look at me just because I'm opening the door, what if I was the principal? Or the Alpha? They'd still look? Thought not.

"Mr. Harden, do you have a pass?" Mr. Davis asked with a quirked brow upon my entrance, causing me to curse.

"No sir, I was talking to a teacher" I lied hoping he'd let me off with a warning, it was only my first time, I shouldn't get beat up for it.

"Alright well, don't let it happen again" doing a little victory dance in my head, I nodded and made my way to the back of the class where my seat was. Originally I was assigned a seat in the very front of the classroom, but to hell with that, so now I sit in the back. I feel more at ease when I'm not being watched.

Twenty minutes into the lecture and I couldn't take it anymore, it was just so boring. My mind was going in and out, from thinking about my mate, to thinking about what I was going to eat tonight. All I know is, I have absolutely no idea what this man was talking about.

When the clock hit thirty minutes, I never bolted out of a class so fast, though if I had been running any faster I wouldn't have been able to catch the amazing vanilla scent that smacked my senses and sent my wolf into overdrive. I halted, took a deep breath, and fixated on where the smell was coming from.

The front of the school, that's where I'm headed

"Chase!!" A voice called from behind me, I once again, came to a stop. My wolf whining in protest. "What's wrong, are you ok?" The figure stood in front of me and put their hand on my shoulders

"Do you smell that?" I kept my eyes trained on my destination "it smells so good" my fingers started tapping against my leg as the scent grew stronger; Mate.

If I wasn't already, my eyes grew to the size of a saucer. Wow, so this is what my mate smells like; delicious.

"It's my mate Denise" my eye twitched and I moved out of her hold "I've gotta go"

"I get it, let me know how it goes!" She called to me as I had already gotten half way down the hall. I was basically running on autopilot, my brain wasn't processing what I was doing, all I know is that I was moving. My body was in motion, I knew that for a fact, I knew it even more when I slammed into a figure at full speed. catching us before we fell I cursed,

"Shit, I'm so sorry I smelled my-" the smell wafted through my nostrils igniting every inch of my body. Before I could get my sentence out I locked eyes with the figure, beautiful hazel eyes stared back at me. Time stopped.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2019 ⏰

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