Jim and kims

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Your POV
You planned on going to Jim and Kim's you just couldn't drink too much because Amanda's flight got in at 8 and you had to wake up at 630 your still working on trying to be a father rather then friend but it's been hard. She has only called sometimes and your worried you lost her she almost went to her girlfriends for Christmas. Your wore something simple to go out But you still tried a little

You didn't know why but something changed in Robert making him grow on you significantly you didn't leave your house till 800 and you walked so you were going to be late.
Time skip to you showing up at Jim and Kims
"Come on Robert just drink it" Said Mary cheering on Robert to dink the neon fluid in front of him " Yeah like it's just an appletini  no big deal" Said Neil behind the bar you had just walked in to the sight but we're Enjoying your time watching it "I want 5 bucks and no witnesses" Said Robert looking at Neil "fine but come on down the hatch " Said Neil who saw you in the doorway "y/n isn't here yet right ? " Said Robert looking at Neil for confirmation "no" Neil said looking right at the door behind you "fine turn around no witnesses " And after the duo turned around Robert downed the drink making a face after you started laughing "what the fuck Y/n you weren't supposed to see that" "What ever Rob" He scowled at you as you sat next to him "clearly he should drink more of them" Said Mary looking at you "I can't pay him that much I have a family" Said Neil showing you a picture of a young girl without 2 front teeth smiles crazy "aww"  "Ok I'll do it if I don't have to pay for any thing and I get th3 good whiskey after I'm talking Irish" "I'll get the whiskey online" Mary was disgruntled "fine I'll pick up your tab" Neil and you both silently cheered after 7 drinks where given to robert he used a shot glass to grab the actual drink so he Didn't have to drink the full thing. Only 3 drink were drunk to completion The Bahama Mama by Robert who said "it's fruity and delicious sue me" The bloody Mary was drank by Mary cause she likes tomato soup (duh) and you drank the margarita because how else do you think Joseph won your heart. "Now what we have like 4 full drinks left" Said Mary "send em down here" Said a older man about mid 60s " Life's too goddamn short to not do things you like like drinking shitty alcohol in a run down bar take risk you young bastards " Neil handed him the 4 drinks and he was enjoying himself based upon the look the Robert gave his whiskey something the guy said stuck with him he kept looking in his glass when Mary said "y/n what's up with the water don't you want to have fun. " He was talking about your rejection of the whiskey that Neil offered and asking for water instead "oh yeah I have to pick up Amanda from the airport can't get too crazy tonight"  You said crossing you arms as you picked up your drink "yeah I just wanna fix it ya know like it's Christmas I don't know I may be delusional thinking I can fix our relationship in 10 days but I want to start" Mary did the fake falling asleep thing to you "oof that hurts Mary"you started to fake cry " Sorry not sorry y/n " Robert got up "let's go guys" You got up knowing you would wind up somewhere fun and safely with Robert around you don't know why but something changed In him in how he treated you acted around you he seemed to care a little more everyday you got up from. Your chair and Robert threw on his jacket you both started toward the door "Mary you coming? " Mary had yet to move from her spot "naw don't feel like the leaving just yet honestly" Robert had already walked out "ok see ya around" You followed Robert through about 15 alleyways til he slipped in a door which you followed him in then you walked down a hallway and reached a second door that opened to a large theater who's movie was just begining "heck ya previews" The two of you causally walked all the way to the back of the theater finding a spot in the center "so you like previews huh" "Hell yeah who doesn't enjoy see clips of movies that you won't ever watch in the future but still enjoy" He looked at you then at the screen showing clips from some pigeon movie "your not wrong" You both just enjoyed the movie only you were 1 of 2 groups in the theater the other was a couple on a date that was 80 percent making out 20 percent watching the movie eventually the movie ended you were processing g the confusing ending but eventually stood up begining to walk away Robert grabbed your arm "hundreds of people worked hard on this movie and your going to sit here and appreciate all of them" He dragged you down forcefully you fell next to him  he moved his arm around you so you wouldn't leave eventually you readjusted to a slight more comfortable position near the end of the credits a employee sat at the exit waiting for you two to leave soon after you saw a orange jacketed teen look into the theater grown and walk out. It wasn't until Robert called out 100+ names and the brands ended did he release his grip on your shoulder and get up to go as you guys walked out Ernest looked at you and said "oh my god you boomers"  You just kinda groaned and went out of the theater with Robert you checked your phone 10 09 pm "I should probably get home soon. Can you get me back to Jim and Kim's? " He nodded you two were walking through the same alleys  mesmerized by Roberts ability to navigate the town you tripped and fell inches from a broken bottle *fuck that was close I should mess with Robert say I hurt my hand * "fuck" Robert finally turned around after walking 10 feet after you fell "what? " He saw you on your knees gripping you hand  he slowly walked back to you when he realised that there was glass his pace quickened "what the hell did you do y/n? " He reached you, you had taken a piece of your flannel and covered your unharmed hand he crouched to your level and grabbed your hand being gentle you winced as he touched your palm "fuck it hurts Robert " You said as he was trying to find something in his pocket "ah shit I left it in my truck " "What? " "My bandana here keep pressure on it  let's go to the gas station" He grabbed your 'injured' hand placeing his palm in yours to hold pressure you two walked hand in hand which you found oddly comforting to maintain the act you placed your head on his shoulder he was a little taller then you so it worked out well enough you started to laugh quietly "whats wrong y/n are you okay" He looked down at you as you approached the gas station you lifted your head from its spot and let go of his hand and un wrapped it to revile a perfectly fine hand "oh fuck you" Robert said as you laughed to yourself he put both hand in his jacket and walked away "oh come on Robert it's not that bad I'm sorry I pranked you" You walked back up to Robert  "come on let's get you home you got a kid to pick up "  He turned he walked forward  you followed slightly behind him your duo went  to jim and Kim's despite nether of you driving there you both stopped by to see Mary who found a young boy to sink her teeth into "let's leave her be it may take awhile" Said Robert turning out of the bar you still following "I got a dog" Robert who was walking you home had been silent since the prank "what kind? " You were surprised he responded  "I honestly don't know but damn is he cute " "Could I see it? " "Yeah but watch out you may scare him" The silence had changed from once a disappointment kind to warm you kept sharing stories of little jack you had lots to say he made you happy so you recognised every part of him a trait you had just realized you did with Alex and Amanda and were starting to do with Robert you guys got to the door of you home "give me a sec" You closed the door on Robert temporarily cleaning a path and making sure jack was okay you opened your door to see the ages man setting on the step waiting for you "ok come in" He had an un lit cigarette in his mouth dangling out was he stood up the cig was barely sitting on his lips he put it back into his pocket and walked inside  "nice house" "Thanks I wasn't expecting visitors.  Jack! " You kind of shouted down the hallway because you knew he was in your room then he started walking out toward the living room. Jack was cautious around Robert you knelt down next to jack "hey buddy robert is cool,  sorry his last owner was a dick hence the pink cast all we know 8s that he kinda hates guys " Robert sat on the floor jack slowly approached him Robert had a hand stretched out and jack sat down waiting for him to scratch him when Robert did jack laid down and flopped on his back to get belly rubs Robert and jack were enjoying themselves while you were admireing the cute view of your dog having a blast and Robert shedding his hard outer shell in the presence of a dog. After about 6 minutes Robert got up "well I would hate to intrude on your sleep I should go " He started heading toward the door "I'll walk you out not that it's far but just as a curtsy " You walked in front of him and opened the door offering him a way out. When he walked out you followed he started to go down the steps getting the cig out of his pocket and puting it back in his mouth carelessly "hey wait! " You started to walk toward him Robert turning around "what.. " Roberts question was ended by you hugging him tightly Robert confused by this had yet to hug back "thanks for everything it's ment a lot Robert" He placed his right arm around you "yeah yeah no problem umm can you let go I'm very uncomfortable" You released and looked at his now pink face "oh yeah yeah sorry it's just. " You had shut up you both were uncomfortable you were shifting side to side Robert took the still unlit cigarette out of his mouth and gave you a kiss on your forehead  he smiled at you and walked into the night you stood in shock for a second and then walked back to your house jack who watched the whole thing but didn't understand barked but mostly cause he was hungry "yeah yeah I'll get you your food" After you feed jack you went to bed kinda restless by what happened but you still woke up at the ideal time to go get amada you wanted to do so. Etching fun for when she got off the plane so you got into your nicest suit and grabbed a white board and wrote panda on it she got off and hugged you which shocked you a little but you still enjoyed the hug she stayed on campus for thanksgiving because she was about 10 hours away you didn't want to push it but for Christmas you had to get her home  she didn't fight you much but you think the girlfriend has something to do with it  "so pops how  ya been" She asked as you guys walked to baggage "oh great I have a surprise for you at home " "Oh m6 goshed did you get a dog" She was excited "you'll find out" "How's jack or Joe"  You got uncomfortable you placed your hand on you neck as Amanda grabbed her bag "um the Joseph thing didn't work out uhh I got heartbroken and then jack passed away 3 days ago " You then shuffled a little sh gave you a second hug this time tight your eyes started to glaze "dad I'm so sorry" She didn't let go for a while "it's okay what weird is Robert has been helping me out" " She looked at you weird "wait scary pit bull one night stand Robert "  You looked at her "yeah it's different but I dont know" Well do what makes you happy pops that's what's important" "Thanks panda let's go home so I can show you the surprise" The car ride was mostly just Amanda talking about college but you didn't mind it by the time you arrived at your house jack was already waiting for you Amanda who only was holding her back back ran inside "Holy shit dad you got a dog!! Oh much gosh this is the cutest dog I've ever seen" You carried in her suitcase and walked inside to see jack flop on the ground while Amanda sat cross legged giving him belly rubs "yeah that's jack" "Whos a good boy jack it's you yeah your are" Amanda stayed on the ground the whole time you were making her hot dogs and Mac n cheese "you should probably let jack rest, oh also can you go to Joseph and get your secret santa for Friday" It was  already Tuesday but you had made plans  to shop for secret santa tomorrow "also what do you want for Christmas? " "I don't know film for my instax some or high top vans surprise me. " Amanda walked in the kitchen and sat down in front of the bowls of hot dogs and Mac "yeah we can go to the mall tomorrow after work around 6pm" "Oh well I made plans with the Emma's at 4 to 7 but I can change it for some father daughter bonding time "  "Oh cool yeah I have Matt for secret santa but I have no idea what to get him" "Maybe a record isn't he into that sort of thing ? " " Idk I'll figure it out"

Word count 2478
By squidsy24

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