The Lookout

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So another PSA I'm giving you a gender and I'm kinda sorry for you non binary or female beans but I have chronic laziness and idk so sorry but your a he
Y/N pov
*holy shit he is here omg omg omg * "I was referring to the dog, dumbass" He looked down at to ashes of the fire as if the fire held something beyond his control "No its just my daughter used to call me that, the last time I saw her was in these woods 2 years ago we went camping to re bond with each other and then the second night the was a howl in the woods that woke me up and soo enough I saw blood spaltter the tent. I ran out of the tent Betsy behind me following the beast until he disappeared into the night and she was gone I haven't slept well since. This campsite is still evidence in her disappeance" He looked at the ashes and crouched down to pet Betsy "Robert I'm  so sorry" He got up and chuckled "Too bad that didn't happen I may have caught the Dover Ghost" "Oh fuck you" That's all you could say useing daughters against you once soo close and now soo distant. "So what is this place anyway"  You got  into the hammock after nearly falling and Robert not (at least showing) he cared. " It's my thinking spot " He said sitting on the log near the fire pit staring into the ash "look up" When you do you see that the small clearing was working perfect shot of the moon with the trees placed neatly around " Does the thinking spot have shots? " You said looking at Robert who was now holding a burnt photo slipping it into his back pocket. "What good one doesn't" He got up and opened the back pack beside Betsy's bed "fuck" He pulled out a nearly empty bottle of an unknown alcohol "well it doesn't have many, you wanna go to a bar I'll pay" *wow wtf I've been a jerk this whole time why does he want to take me out for drinks, but I mean free drinks* "sure, what about Betsy"  "I can drop her off come on I don't trust you alone in these woods you will probably trip on a log and die"  "On what grounds am I not to be trusted? " " Probably the fact that you got lost within two seconds of a 5 minute trip now come on the Irish bar it still open"  He got up bottle in one had hand the other reached out to help you you dismissed the hand got got into a fight with the comfortable hammock in an attempt to escape. After a minute of the struggle robert just watched drinking the last of the bottle and throwing it down. When you eventually get out you almost fall but Robert grabs you "told ya" "Haha funny now let's go I need that drink" He turned around and when toward his truck you followed closely behind about 3 dog lengths (Betsy size) away from him. After a heavy gust of wind came threw the woods hiring your back with a chill you just realized you left your jacket I  the hammock *fuck my jacket now I'm cold well let's deal no need pissing off Robert with going back a forward. Wait ok good I still have the knife*  you pull the knife out of you back pocket once again admiring it but this time you still saw the slight red shirt Robert was wearing and ran toward him til you eventually got to the truck he go into the driver seat not speaking Betsy jumped in the second the door opened you were already trying to order a Goobr the truck started as you open the app "aren't you going to get in or did I clean the seat for nothing" You almost robotic walked over and got In  the truck

Word cont. 600ish

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