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The room glows a soft white hue. The source of power drawing everyone's attention lights up the walls, and silhouettes. In the center of the room the color fades into a white hue. The mixed audience approaches the light. the young gods in charge stop the younglings from stepping any closer. They need to let the star fully develop on its own. The younglings listen to their teacher's. They understand the importance of this transformation.

It's the beginning of a new star. A new star who is relying on a human birth to turn out successful and write a name into the history books. Often, stars will stay unreactive no longer than 24 hours. It's a cause for celebration. Not all humans are born with their own stars. The human and star must possess great power. A connection between a star and a human was the reason the saints held gatherings to witness it, but few attend to witness the extraordinary beginnings. Because the relation is so strong, a saint decided to test the patience of the gods, so now saints are forbidden from interacting or relocating to earth to seek their companions out.

A saint's main function was primarily to watch over their human, always monitoring, but the combination of power from newer generations, saints have evolved. Humans have grown less patient, and consumed with greed. the power within them has dwindled throughout the ages. A saint's body has grown to physical for the human realm because humans aren't innate with their power presently.

They are all watching their brethren start from a small spec of light. The spec expands and a form begins to outgrow the shrunken light. Unbeknownst to the growing crowd, the white light outshines that of the gold light. The golden orb shakes upon being noticed, like a child. But to no avail, it goes amiss. it is merely a child when it's greeted by turned backs and smiles.

One of the young gods, senses the sadness and ache radiating amiss behind her. She whips her head around and notices no one has sensed this newborn crying out. Her translucent dark feet twinkling of stars lifts her weight off the floor. She floats over to the gold light. She paces herself from drawing anyone's attention. If she spurred their minds with a mixture of fear and sadness, it might set off the birth. She is swift when everyone remains distracted by the other's transformation.

"There, there," She aids the orb and watches as its light reaches out to her. Right before her eyes, tiny golden hands reach out, and delicately touch her wrists. It's as if the newborn is escaping its own light. "Wait,"

She looks over her shoulder, and there stands a boy with light platinum hair, standing amidst a crowd, looking at his newfound limbs, and the new faces. She watches the boy trip over his feet and the crowd giggles alongside him.

Before the young gods knows it, she's face to face with a young boy with glowing tan skin, and gold eyes. sparkling right up at her. She smiles big, and takes the cloth wrapped over her head to secure over the boy's shoulders.

"you're coming with me," She whispers, and picks the child up. She walks out before she is noticed by anyone. She decides to take care of the boy. She decides she will tell Tenshin later.


"Rei.. why can't I go outside?" the boy craned his neck in hopes to catch a glimpse of her face. His hair has grown a lot in the time he's lived with Rei, the young god who saved him. His brown locks are long, and his bangs drape carefully over the boy's Lashes. Rei has asked on many occasions to cut it, or trim it even, when it got in the boy's way, but alas she can never get the boy to sit still. Like he is now, fiddling with his fingers and kicking his legs. He always goes on about, 'it's a extension of who i am!'.

"Because the other younglings and saints are not ready yet." Rei parted the boy's hair forward with the brittle ends of a comb, carved from wood. Takashima produced a tree she claims is her favorite in the human realm. She's made many things with the wood at her disposal before but it's always so cool!

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