Fin Diaz

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I yelled angerily as I saw her disapear into the forest. I lost her again. I almost had her, I was so fucking close, and for the one hundredth time, I've lost her. I told myself this time I would get her, I was so sure of myself. I wont give up.

I looked back at where the war had occured. Bodies and blood and body parts were scattered all over the battle field, the members of each gang started to evacuate quickly. Though Blood Gang were all killed out. They were weak and didn't seem to have a real battle plan, I expected it.

I began to head back following my gang who was heading east. I've never give much thought to how I would die because I KNOW I will never die. Love and friendship is weak and ridiculous. Its better to be alone than to have a friend or be in love and be at risk constantly. I don't need anyone anyways, they'll only get in my way. The only way I'll stay safe in this world, is if I stay alone.

All the information anyone really needs to know about me is I'm deadly, emotionless, and my heart is stone. My gang was way ahead of me, they were walking faster than me but i kinda like to be alone. Its nice to be alone in the silence once in a while. It gives me time to think. They say the silence brings death and distruction, but I AM death and distruction. So its kinda perfect for me.

I would kill anyone just because they looked at me the wrong way. I'm a bomb and I don't care who I hurt anymore. I kill and torture so other people will know the pain that I feel every single day. I may act tough, but I've seen some shit.

Hey guys, welcome to chaptar two. What did you guys think of Fin? Comment down below. Thanks for reading, chaptar three coming soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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