And so it begins

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Mankind had alawys been so proud of their innovations striving to push it to the next step. The sky is the limit is a common metaphor to us yet once that limit is broken we strive to shatter another either out of curiosity, pride, competition, or just the drive to go farther. We started out as thinking looking at the heavens peppered with stars that were just so tantalizingly close but then again so far away and in that instant we wondered "what's beyond our world". Man can always speculate what the unknown has to hold. Some nearly 635 years ago we dipped our toes into the vast cosmic ocean most of us don't even remember this even yet without it man wouldn't have been able to break the shackles of our small blue dot. Some hundred years after that faithful event we started colonies on our moon and other planets in our system. Mankind had decided to dive into the deeper waters to see what it would have to offer, unfortunately we became overzealous and cocky and decieded that we are the sole heirs and the masters of the universe. It was a fatal mistake. Remember that question of we were alone it was answered when in the year 2255 we stumbled upon a planet "221 Scorpius D" nicknamed Reach. It was the first world that we didn't need to change to fit our needs it was as perfect as our original home which seemed like a relic floating in a period of antiquity long forgotten. The inhabitants of Reach were a feeindly but powerful race of humanoids that closely resembled Canines. At first it seemed like we had a close ally until man's innability to coexist erupted fordward igniting a war only know as "The Fifty Year Genocide". Humans versus the people of Reach bombarding eachotgers colonies nearly causing one another to go extinct destroying Mars and Reach in the process. Finally agreeing to settle the bloodshed we came to an compromise. We learned how to swim in the hardest way possible. Conflict subsided. After that humans gained helpful allies up until a few months ago when one such ally the Anterians decided that humans are not worthy to hold the torch that lights the way to our future. On the verge of yet another war I conclude this essay. Michael Sermes December 1 2602

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2014 ⏰

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