"I'm not." Jay spoke up but Carlos insisted.

"We're your family too. We've been through a lot, together, we're not stopping that now. Okay? Everyone sit." He said as he crossed his legs and settled himself in the grass with Dude in his lap. It took the others a moment but they did join him. A moment of silence passed before Carlos realized he hadn't really thought this through, "I don't know how to start girl talk."

"What up?" Jay shrugged trying to kick it off. Evie laughed and Mal took a deep breath before starting.

"I'm a mess, I'm such a mess. " she began as she finally let herself break down and start crying. Evie put her hand on her shoulder in comfort, "I mean, six months ago I was y'know, stealing candy from babies and now everyone expects me to be this lady of the court and I have no idea how to keep up the act."

"Then don't." Carlos replied simply.

"See this was dumb." Jay said starting to get up but Evie's next words stopped him.

"Maybe it wasn't. We're always going to be the kids from the Isle. I tried to forget it, I really tried but. . . those are our roots. And we all did what we had to do, to survive. But it made us who we are. And we're never going to be like anybody else here, and that's okay."

"And we can't fake it." Carlos agreed.

"Yeah, I mean, especially without my spell book." Mal continued.

"Mal if Ben doesn't love the real you, then he's not the one." Carlos told her.

"I like that." Evie agreed.

"Give him a chance." He said petting Dude, "I had a chance – in the brig of that ship – to talk to my sister, and I learned something from her. . . we can't be anyone but ourselves, not for us." he looked at Evie, "Not for Ben." He looked at Mal, "Not for all of Auradon. We can only be happy by being us, if doing that got my sister love – on the Isle of all places – then think of what it can do for us here." He said and they all looked more hopeful, "I just hope she's okay" he finished thinking back to the last time he saw her, wounded and bleeding on the docks. Jay put his hand on his buddy's shoulder.

"She is. She's got a whole crew backing her up. She'll be fine."


When night had fallen the entire crew could see the lights of the far away yacht where the Royal Cotillion was underway. They were too far to hear any music but they all still looked over the starboard side of the ship with fury. When they'd gotten fed up with looking at what they couldn't have they slowly filed into the chip shop, soon the whole place was full of pirates. Harry, Camilla and Gil were seated at the long bar table watching the coverage of the event knowing Uma would find it the perfect moment to strike. Deep down they were worried for their captain, alone in a strange land but hopefully soon they'd be joining her.

"Evie you look beautiful!" one of the paparazzi cried and the blue haired girl smiled. Camilla, who was on the table leaning back against her hands with her feet crossed at the ankles in front of her, glared at Evie who was smiling like all her dreams had come true.

"Thank you so much."

"Did you design the barrette?" asked another reporter. There was a loud crunch as Gil continued to eat from the seat behind her left shoulder and Harry had one arm resting on the table, his hand over hers, the other spinning his hook.

"Beautiful isn't it? No it's not my creation. Many of the accessories you see tonight are from a fabulous new designer – Dizzy of the Isle." Camilla rolled her eyes, of course the runt had helped them, Evie was like a big sister to her. She leaned against Harry as he ran his finger along his sharpened hook and she stole a few chips from his tray. She ran a few fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, the only hair that his hat and bandana didn't cover. They watched as Mal made her appearance at the top of the white staircase. Oh god those colors, Camilla shuddered as she looked at the bright yellow and royal blue dress Evie had put Mal in. When the dragon witch joined her friends Camilla caught a glimpse of her baby brother and a strange feeling overcame her. He was dressed in his best in a black and white stripped blazer with gold embellishments and red pants and gloves – he looked older and it saddened her, that she'd missed him growing into a fine young man.

Ben was next to be announced and shortly after another descended the steps, at first glance Camilla didn't even recognize her. Uma looked so different in her light teal dress, the fabric like a puff of sea foam around her lower half while the top hugged her figure, her accessories were gold shells and netting which she'd paired with black leather gloves and pulled her hair up into a classy bun. She looked better than Mal did and without Evie's help. The whole crew grew silent at Uma's unexpected arrival at the Royal Cotillion, even Harry had leaned his chin on the curve of his hook as he listened with interest at what Uma would do next.

Chillin Like A Villain-A Descendants FanficWhere stories live. Discover now