If only Carlos could see her now, she thought as she changed into her half black half Dalmatian vest, would he have any sympathy for the woman who practically made him a servant? Not that he ever put up much of a fight, he was always easily impressionable. Then a light bulb went off in Camilla's mind, maybe that was it. Maybe Carlos hadn't chosen good over evil on his own maybe Mal had influenced him to. He had been the last one to pick good at the coronation and hadn't her brother always been seeking the approval of others? Maybe this was all Mal's fault, she was the daughter of the Mistress of all Evil after all, it wouldn't have been hard for her to manipulate the others into choosing good, after all it certainly had it's perks Camilla had to admit. It made sense too, Mal wouldn't want her friends to abandon her so she used her evil ways to coax them to her newly found good side. And with Carlos in the brig of the Lost Revenge Camilla had the perfect opportunity to talk to him without Mal's interference. A smile spread on her lips and the joy she felt at this new possibility made her happy enough to sing.

"Finally the moment I was hoping would come, the moment he would realize he chose the wrong one. There isn't any curse I could cast to match this feeling. The pain I knew when Carlos turned his back on my heart at last will be Mal's when her life falls apart. Suddenly the future's looking more appealing. Once I was filled with rage, now I'll enjoy the ride. It's so electrifying watching all her dreams denied." She sang as she made her way across her large room and pushed the red tattered curtain away from the window looking out at the Isle where she knew –somewhere – Mal was hiding. "Oh I, will fly into tomorrow, that dragon full of sorrow, finally paying for her sins. I'll smile all the while she is crying, inside she's slowly dying, learning wicked always wins. Oh evil may be powerful but wicked always wins."

She turned from the window and buckled the belt that had her new sword on it, momentarily pulling out the blade a few inches dying to use it., "If she could see me now she would ache with regret 'cause she'd witness all the glory wickedness gets. She went and made herself queen and my blood boiled." She turned and made her way out of Hell Hall and headed back to the ship, "But that's all history, time they all understood what they call 'being bitter' villains call that 'looking good'." She winked at her reflection in a shop window, "Oh I, will fly into tomorrow, that dragon full of sorrow, finally paying for her sins. No strife, her life was so enchanted she took it all for granted." She ripped another cotillion poster down and tore it in half, "Now she'll dream of could-have-beens. Oh evil may be powerful but wicked always  --. " she took another look at the Mal half of the poster.

"Wait, why just revel in Mal's demise when I can also use Uma's victory to my advantage?" she smiled as she balled up the paper, tossed it over her shoulder and made her way through the alleys of the Isle, all the while others ducked and dodged out of her way in fear.

"I'll help her to bring the VK's down. When Uma stands victorious we'll watch that dragon drown. When he learns the plan was mine, little brother you will see." she sang as she approached the docks, grabbing the wooden rail and looking out over the ocean. "He should have chosen me!" then she turned down the pier toward the Lost Revenge. "So I will fly into tomorrow, delighting in her sorrow as a better day begins. This time nobody's gonna stop me, no evil's gonna top me. Oh, wicked always wins." She looked up to see Harry at the bow of the ship and she couldn't help but smile, "A happy ending will be mine. 'Cause wicked always wins!"


Carlos P.O.V.

Carlos had a lot to think about after Harry had left the brig. Luckily, he'd left the lanterns on so he wasn't in the total darkness he was in before. Captain Hook was dead. Auradon hadn't even cared enough to say anything. Why would they? To them he was just another villain, a man who had probably deserved it. But growing up on the Isle Carlos knew it wasn't that black and white, the line between wasn't that clear. Captain Hook was just like any other villain stuck here, to Carlos he'd just been a man with a bait and tackle shop trying to make enough to survive on sludge coffee and day old everything. He'd been a parent just like Belle and Beast were, he had children who loved him just like Ben loved his parents. Sure, he'd lived a life of stealing and pillaging but did that mean he deserved death more than anyone else? Carlos wished he'd brought some aspirin when they'd packed for the trip because now his head was starting to hurt. Everything he thought he knew he now was questioning. And for the first time in his life he didn't know the answers. Then the door creaked open again and he expected to see Harry or Gil ready with a rope to drag him off like they'd done Ben but instead in the dull light of the lanterns he saw his sister.

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