Episode 1.5 - Roses and Wine

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"I bet she'd like roses!"

"And wine!"

"Romance novels?"

Meliodas grit his teeth. The young knights were supposed to be training, not discussing plans for Valentine's Day. Normally, it wouldn't bother him so much, but this year it was really bugging him to no end. Maybe that was because he'd just realized he was interested in Y/N and was jealous of all the young boys who could ask their crushes out without the added dynamic of working with them. 

At the moment, the young boys were helping a more shy knight with his girlfriend. As far as Meliodas was aware, they'd been dating for nearly a year, but this was the first holiday they'd be spending together. Meliodas remembered when the knight first got his girlfriend- the first out of all of them. Everyone was just as invested as they had been then. 

"There, there. We were young, once." Y/N said from the back of his head. He spun around to face her, surprised. She was supposed to be taking a day off, since the Sins had a week long vacation before another particularly long mission. 

He sighed, leaning against the doorway they were standing in. "Did you avoid your training to talk about boys with your friends?" Meliodas asked. 

"I don't have friends." Y/N said in a serious tone. Meliodas shot her an unamused look. She gave him one back. "But that's beyond the point. We should loosen up a bit, no? It's just one day."

Another sigh. "I guess. Hey, why are you at the castle anyway?"

"I could feel your frustration radiating all the way from my home, so I came to make sure you didn't murder your poor trainees." Y/N said, gesturing towards the chattering knights. "You should really get your wrath under control." She continued, lightly patting his shoulder. 

Meliodas laughed. "Very funny. The real reason?"

Y/N sighed. "I was bored. Clearly, I was not made for vacations." She suddenly perked up. "Hey, since we're both home, why don't we go on a date tomorrow? So we can keep an eye on your shy knight?" Meliodas stared at her in surprise. Was she asking him out? A small blush began to form on her cheeks. "Er, you know, if you don't already have plans. I shouldn't have assumed..." She trailed off, no longer meeting his eyes. 

"Sure!" Meliodas said before she could take it back. "I'll find out what the plans are for the couple of the hour." 

The next night, Meliodas waited outside patiently for Y/N to meet him. He would say he was nervous, except he wasn't. This wasn't a real date, it was just to spy on a young knight and make sure he didn't mess up his date. Meliodas actually watched this young knight sweating by the entrance of a more high end restaurant. He must've adjusted his collar about thirty times. 

The sound of heels on pavement pulled him out of his stupor. He looked up to meet Y/N's eye. "Ha. I'm taller than you." She said. This was true. Her heels gave her about an inch of a difference. They also matched her dress. Meliodas had to clear his throat to stop staring.

"Isn't it my job to give you roses?" He asked, pointing out the lavish bouquet she was holding. They were roses, but he couldn't quite identify the color. Each time he zeroed in on a name, it changed. 

Y/N rolled her eyes. "They're not for me. I brought them in case Mr. Shy Guy didn't. Which, by the look of things, he didn't." 

Meliodas examined them. "What color are they?"

A small shrug was his answer. "No clue. They're supposed to change color to whatever looks nicest to the receiver. Courtesy of Merlin." She told him before quickly walking over to the knight. Y/N chatted with him for a moment before handing him the roses. Meliodas watched as she put a finger over her mouth in a "shhh" motion and winked at him. As she walked back to Meliodas, she gestured for him to move inside. "The date's about to start, get out of sight!" She hissed at him, grabbing his arm and yanking him inside the café they were planning on observing from. 

"That seemed to go well." Meliodas said once they'd ordered their coffee. 

Y/N tapped her fingers against the table. "Yeah, he was pretty thankful. I also recommended a wine to order, so hopefully the rest of the date goes well."

The barista came by with their drinks just as the knight's girlfriend's arrived. She gladly accepted the roses, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. The knight blushed and placed his hand on the small of her back, leading her into the restaurant. Y/N sighed. "That was adorable. The roses were the color of his eyes." 

"You seem to know a lot about dating." Meliodas remarked, watching Y/N stir some sugar into her coffee. 

She shrugged. "Experience, I suppose."

Meliodas raised his eyebrows. "How many dates have you been on?"

Y/N looked up in confusion and then started laughing. "Oh, not me. My sister." She explained. "I was witness to a lot of bad dates, so I know what makes a good one." She launched into a recounting of one of the bad dates her sister had been on. 

Over the night, Meliodas found out that Y/N's younger sister had been on millions of dates, and that matchmaking wasn't too bad.    

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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