It was such a relief to have Piers on my side. Had he not already disagreed with some of the ways of the facility, it would have been very difficult to convince him that it should come to an end. I understood that he had beliefs that he still clung to and I understood why he had to act how he did when we were not alone.

I could not sit back, however, and allow for things to continue as they were until the king's death. I needed Piers to find a way to change things. It could take months, I knew that, but I could not allow for years to pass by, for more Bycgan's to occur.

If Piers were unable to cause a change, then I would find a way to do it on my own.


The next morning, I was awoken by Eleanor as the sun began to rise. She helped me to get dressed, applying more salve to my back, before we went downstairs to meet Piers in the kitchen. As we sat eating bowls of porridge and toast, he explained to me what the lessons were going to be like.

Nothing that was too overwhelming. It was all about proper etiquette in different social situations, how to make polite small talk, and which subjects to converse about and which to not. The were important, yet small details that many never thought of, but ones that could make a difference when it came to creating alliances or persuading someone to take a certain side on an issue.

I knew that the princess could play an important role in such matters, but I had never imagined that the prince would allow his wife to play that role. That the king would never allow for it to happen. Yet, Piers assured me that I would play a large role in such matters. The king did not have any say in what permissions Piers could give to me. He could only make suggestions.

I wondered how difficult it had been for Piers to go against his father's suggestions, how his father would have reacted. There was no punishment that the king could give to his son for going against his wishes. Piers could have only been punished if he'd disobeyed a direct order. I didn't know if the king could do such a thing, I suspected that he could find a way to, however.

And the thought terrified me. If I lost Piers' support, I didn't know how I would be able to accomplish abolishing the facility. I needed Piers, more than he needed me. It was something that I couldn't think about, wouldn't think about, if I were to be successful.

Piers and I went upstairs just before eight to meet the tutor. She was an older woman, her hair already white and her walk a little stooped. She still had a commanding tone to her voice and was able to make Piers back down with just one look.

He had been hovering, telling her what I needed to know before the public welcome address. She raised an eyebrow at him and pressed her lips together before she said in a gravelly voice that she was well aware of what needed to be taught before the address. It wasn't her first job as a tutor.

I held back a laugh as Piers bowed his head. "I'm well aware, Miss. Dolloway, but my father is very adamant that we stick to the schedule that has been created."

"And we shall, Piers. I have never disappointed the king, hence why I am still allowed to teach despite his limitations placed upon women," Miss. Dolloway replied. "I shall not require your assistance in this manner."

"I already promised Adelaide that I would be at the lessons this morning," Piers replied as he clasped his hands behind his back, "and I never break my promises."

Miss. Dolloway turned her attention towards me. "Do you require the prince's assistance or are you a mature enough girl to handle the lessons on your own?"

I looked at Piers quickly. He gave a small one-shouldered shrug in response. "I...I think it would be best if the prince was there for the start."

Miss. Dolloway sighed before she nodded. "If you believe it should be so. I must say that it will be rather dull. All I will be doing is testing what you were taught at the facility and what you must learn in the next two weeks. We shall focus on the things that are of utmost importance when it comes to addressing the kingdom. Then we shall focus on the things that will make you an outstanding princess."

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