Chapter 15: The Shaolin Monks

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Crow's POV:

Takeda, Dragon, Eagle, me and the ninjas were in the forest because we're going to see Takeda's old friends. They're monks, I think that's the word, that Takeda knew before he met any of us. I was carrying a cloth sling bag to carry the things that Takeda said that his friends would like because they haven't met for so long.

We were walking along the dirt path and Takeda asked me "Hey Crow, check if all the things are there please?".

"Okay" I answered and I rummaged around my sling bag to check if all the things are still in there.

"There's the bottles, the papers and your book. Everything's still here" I said.

I looked in the bag and I saw an orange liquid in one of the bottles.

"Hey Takeda, was one of the bottles had orange liquid in it?" I asked.

"I don't think so" Takeda replied.

"Huh, I wonder what is it" I said to myself.

I took the bottle and I opened it. Then the liquid jumped up and onto my arm. It was Hiro and he was cuddling my arm.

"Oh, turns out it was just Hiro" I said to the others.

"You brought him with you?" Dragon said not surprised.

"Well, I didn't know. He wasn't even supposed to come with us" I answered.

"Then, how did it-I mean he, get in the bottle?" Jo asked me.

I started to think "Hmm,"

*flashback (third person POV)*

Crow was packing things while humming to a tune. She was into the tune that she packed the things with her eyes closed. Hiro got inside of an open bottle, then Crow picked it up and closed it and packed it inside the bag.

*flashback ended*

"I guess Hiro got inside of the bottle and I packed him in the bag" I said.

"You shouldn't be here Hiro" I told Hiro.

But he just kept cuddling my arm and I can't stay mad at him. He's just too cute!

"Okay, you can stay here" I said as I put Hiro on my head so he can have a ride.

Maybe, he can even tell us if he saw something thanks to him on my head. We then continued walking on the dirt road. I looked around because I think forests are very relaxing to go around.


We then stopped at the front of a temple. The temple is very big. I think that's the monks' temple. We went up this very wide staircase to the doors. Takeda went up to the doors and took a deep breath.

"I hope this is the right code" I heard Takeda say that to himself.

What code is it? He then pulled out a tape recorder from his pocket and he played the recording. The record was a song that we haven't heard before.

(this was the music)

I haven't heard of this music before, not even Eagle and the ninjas. But Dragon looks like he was feeling relaxed when the music was playing. Maybe it's Chinese music because it definitely sounds like one. After the music was done, the doors were opened. Then we saw Takeda's friends.

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