How Stuff works in the Persona verse I

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Nonexistantloser did this so yeah, I just wanna get inspired. And thus, Im BORED.

OCs by:
Havoc - FusionBoltz
Ro - Rswinger
King - Kingzilla768
Kai Yamato - theruinedfangirl__
Amelia - Nonexistantloser
Briana - NintendoBriana
Ran Kagachi - me
Persona Chatacters - Atlus and Sega


King, Ryuji, Makoto, Haru, Ro, Kanji, Naoto, Havoc, Shinjiro, Yusuke, Ken, Koromaru, and Akihiko all ran in the same direction as they all encounter more beasts within the Forbidden passage of Mementos: ???. (my fanmade segment in Persona 5)

King: This place is... Mementos?

Shinjiro: Dont get distracted King-Z! *huffing*

Yusuke: Ran, Yu, Minato, Minako, and Ren needed our assistance!

Makoto: This is all an illusion! We need to find the door before-

Shadows appear in the walls and corridors in the caverns of the room.

Ryuji: *back to back with King as Captain Kidd uses MaZiodyne at the Titania swarm* Damnit they wont stop!!

King: *grabs a boned-dagger and throws it at a jack o lantern. Killing it* We gotta keep fighting!!

Havoc and Kanji: *bursts throught the crowd of Incubusses and Succubusses with the assistance of Takanikazuchi*

Ken: *holds onto his trident* Just hold it for a bit longer guys!

Akihiko and Makoto: Right! *Wild punches the shadows*

Shinjiro: Me, Ro, and Koromaru will find the door!

Ro: C'mon! *runs*


Kanji and Havoc: *fist bumps as they both go berserk, killing many shadows*

Naoto: *kills shadows with her gun*

Chie, Yukiko, Kai, Briana, Ann, Kasumi, Morgana, Amelia, Mitsuru, Yukari, Yosuke, and Teddie all ran in another wierd segment of the TV world: chanell ???


Chie: What in the?

Briana: Look! Up in the sky!

Kai and Ann: *brings out their weapons* Bring it!

Mitsuru: Hold up! Fuuka might not appeal its weaknesses yet!

Briana: The Navi cant reach due to blockage in this world!

Amelia: *holds her spear* We cant bacl down right just now!

A machine that is composed of the destroyed Big-bang burger bots walks closer to them.

Yukiko, Chie, Teddie, Mitsuru, Yukari, Kai, Briana, Haru, Ann, Kasumi, Morgana, and Yosuke then breaks their cards, shoots their head with evokers, and unmasked themselves.

At Tartarus.... Dark Hour.

Ren: *huff*

Minako: This.... cannot.... continue!

Yu: *crushes card* IZANAGI!

Minato: One more! *shoots himself with an evoker* THANATOS!

Minako: ORPHEUS!

Ren: *unmasks* ARSENE!!

Ran: Right! *stabs himself with his sword* ARTHUR!

To be continued...

Random StuffNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ