Keep It A Secret

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Yoongi's POV
After what happened I was too furious at my father but decided to go on a walk outside. I kept walking but I saw Jimin, his clothes were dirty and a little torn and his shoes looked horrible. I walked up to him and hugged him. "Come with me." I grabbed his hand and went back to the kingdom, but I hid him while I walked in and upstairs to my room. I went in and locked the door quietly so he wouldn't notice. "Why bother helping me..?"
Jimin's POV
"Why bother helping me..?" "What do you mean?" He looked at me confused. "All you ever did was just pick on me, made me feel like shit, start making me feel confident then making me feel worse, and just start flirting with me, why would you do that!?" I was crying and he could tell I was hurt. "All you ever did was pick on me and that didn't do nothing but just make me" I was interrupted by him kissing me.

This wasn't like last time, it actually was passionate and had a meaning to it, like if it was full of love and apology for some reason. He broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes. "Jimin I never meant to make you feel that way, yeah it was a shitty idea for me to do whatever I did to you, but it was the only way for me to get really close to you. And yeah I admit this, I really really like you and if my dad gets mad then let him be mad!"

I looked at him and felt the butterflies in my stomach like how I did last time. "Y-Yoongi...I really like you too." He smiled and kissed me again but this time I kissed back. This kiss was more passionate than the first one and started to get heated. He had pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

He went to my ear, "Maybe we can continue what we did last time before we were interrupted.." he went down to my neck and had started kissing there but also found my weak spot. I moaned quietly and got closer to him but at the same time my wolf ears came out. He smirked took my shirt off as I did the same and kissed him. As the kiss was getting heated, he had puts his hand on my inner thigh and started rubbing there which cause me to moan, which I wanted more.
No One's POV
As both of them were still making out Yoongi took this as a chance to finally discard the rest of Jimin's clothing and his clothing as well. He smirked just the thought of finally making Jimin his and no one's else, just his. Soon the room was filled with Jimin's moans, the grunts and groans coming from Yoongi. They both knew that no matter what would happen they would be together, protecting each other. But the one think they must remember is to
                         Keep it a secret.

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