III. Cheerleader Blues

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"She's the best choreographer," Melissa replies.

"She just basically says she doesn't want to hear anything from anybody else unless she's pulling the dance," Holly counters.

"That's what really Abby doesn't understand because she is missing the mother gene," Christi adds.

"I used to hear that all the time. Being on the other side of the fence and being the dance teacher, and I know that you guys are the dance moms, but at my dance studio, what I get sick and tired of people doing is trying to second guess me. But the dance teacher does have to have a plan, And sometimes she can't convey it to you, she can't do it at the drop of a hat."

Ileen sits there, silently listening to Cathy's unsolicited opinion. It didn't matter to her what Cathy says, but she knew that it would rub some of the other moms the wrong way.

"Did you ever tell anyone that you would only have a child if you could keep it in a fish tank and sprinkle in some fish food?" Christi asks her.

"No, but I must tell you I used to say that a good thing would be kennel for kids," Cathy jokes.

"I'll be right back," Melissa tells the moms, getting up from her seat.

Cathy's gaze shifts to Ileen. "You've been quiet. What do you think of the pyramid?"

Ileen sends her an indifferent look. "I think of it as a report card. If you do well in your class, you're on the honor rolls. If you do well at the competition, your spot on the pyramid rises. Elsa won, so did Maddie. They're on top of the pyramid. It's not rocket science here."

"You see, I have an issue with that," Kelly cuts in.

"Kelly, you have a lot of issues with me. Which one is it now?" Ileen asks, gritting her teeth. The disgust on Kelly's face towards her was quickly irritating her.

"You don't put yourself in our situation, but if it was your child at the bottom, I think you would be just as frustrated as I am."

Ileen scoffs. For Kelly to make an opinion on her was fun. She and Kelly aren't friends, their coworkers, that's it. "I'm pragmatic, I was raised to be that way, and I won't apologize for it. Now, if any of my girls were at the bottom of the pyramid, and they deserved it, I would not be 'frustrated' as you said."

Kelly's head snaps to her, glaring. "Are you saying that Brooke and Paige deserve to be down there?"

Ileen resists rolling her eyes. "Kelly, I'm not going to disparage your daughters or anybody else's. The pyramid is Abby's decision; we all know that. Clearly, Brooke and Paige didn't impress her enough to place them higher in the pyramid. Which is under-"

"How can they impress her when they were only in the group!"

"Do. not. yell at me," Ileen forcibly keeps her voice even. "Now, if you would not cut me off-"

"I can yell at you if I want!"

Ileen takes a fortifying breath. "Kelly, I'm trying to have a civilized conversation with you. I'm not yelling at you, so do not yell at me. Now, if you would let me finished-"

"No, you can't finish. I don't want to listen to you."

"Hush!" Ileen finally snaps. "How old are you? Three?"

"Guys, can we not," Holly tries to cut in. "The girls can hear us."

Ileen takes a moment to calm herself. "I would appreciate it if I could finish speaking, though. I was going to say that it is understandable that Brooke and Paige are not on top of the pyramid because, if you notice, the children that fill the first and second row are those that had solos. Something extra for Abby to grade them on. Who knows how the pyramid would've looked if Abby only had the group routine to grade."

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