After I calmed down a bit they started telling me about themselves(which is not onclude because imma lazy author) which told me a lot about them as people. After introductions were truly done we left for the Uchiha compound.

When we got there I got stares from every other Uchiha and it scared me. Mikoto opened the door to their house and began leading me to a room "Ok Naruto this bedroom will be yours," she said with a smile. The room was orange with a king sized bed, on the far right wall was a weopond rack that was empty as well as a walk in closet, on the left wall was a lot of storage space and it was awesome.

I walked over to the walk in closet and opened it with the largest smile I could muster on my face. When I opened it I saw this red and black armor.

Not my picture

The amor looked really cool and I wanted to try it on but it was obviously way too big for me to wear. I got all my stuff unpacked and put away when I heard Mikoto shout "Dinners ready!" I walked out of my room and made it to the dinning room. When I got there everyone was smiling then I looked to see what Mikoto had prepared which was Katsudon. I grabbed my chopsticks and said what we have to say at dinner to show respect "Thank you for the meal!" Then we ate.

After dinner they all asked me a question "So Naruto hkw do you like it here?" Mikoto asked with a smile "I think items way better than my apartment but are you sure you want me here? Even being around me people will begun to dislike you," I said sadly. After a while of then looking angry they finally answered "Naruto, we Uchiha dont care what the rest of the village thinks, the Uchiha clan is a founding clan than couldn't care less about the rest of the village, to us they are all low ranking scum, and anyone hurts a child makes them worse scum," Fugaku said with a large frown and everyone nodded in agreement. After seeing this I began to cry "T-thank you," I said smiling and they all returned my smile.

Three years later

Sasuke and I were going with Fugaku to a dock but i didn't know why. Once we arrived Fugaku began his explanation "Ive brought you two here for you to be apart of the clan truly, to be apart of the Uchiha clan you need to master the fire ball jutsu which I will teach to you two right now," he did the handsigns slowly so we could memorize them. After he was done Sasuke went up furst and tried the jutsu but only managed a tiny fireball, he was however excited that he could do the jutsu. Next was my turn, I walked up and did the jutsu, I blew out a massive fireball thrice the size of Fugaku's fireball earning a gaping mouth from both Sasuke and Fugaku "Well done Naruto! Thats my boy!" He said with a large smile then continued "You may not be my son through blood but damn you look like your meant to be an Uchiha!" He said laughing then looked at Sasuke "Dont worry my boy you have just as much potential as Naruto! All you have to do is get used to using jutsu!" Sasuke's frown was replaced by a smile. While enjoying our moment I sneezed and something happened i turned into a fox.

When I opened my eyes Fugaku and Sasuke were wide eyed at my wolf form. I tried to tell them im all right butni couldn't 'Why cant I speak?!?!' I thought in my head but Sasuke and Fugaku smiled, I then realized I was thinking of wolves when I transformed so I thought of humans specifically my human form and I transformed back. Both had a grin on their faces "Ok so I can transform into a wolf at will... Awesome!" They both laughed.

After an hour or so Sasuke did the jutsu flawlessly and we both got the Uchiha symbol stiched on our cloths.

7 Years Later (No Uchiha Massacre)

It was now the day for our Gennin exams. Sasuke and i were excited and everything was going great until they showed up and by they I mean Ino Yamanaka and Sakura Naruko or the blonde harpy and pink Banshe that everyone dislikes. "Naruto-kun Sasuke-kun~" they both called making us flinch "Y'know sometimes I prefer people ignoring me," I wispered to Sasuke and he laughed.

We went through our daily ignoring of sensei until he said "Ok now to put you in your teams everyone," we continued to ignore him until we heard "Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uchiha, Sakura Haruno team 7" Sasuke and I shot up "No way is she in our team!" I shouted but Sakura shouted over me "Naruto-kun cant believe im in his team!" She said with glee "Sensei I request a swap!" Sasuke yelled, Iruka just got a tick mark "YOUR GOING TO BE IN THE SAME TEAM WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!!" Iruka yelled and we shut up.

We waited an hour or so before I broke the quiet "So our sensei's late, so hiw about we punish him?" I said which got their attention "Ok so we put an eraser on top of the door as a distraction then we put a wire at the bottom if the door and another at the top, then we place a wire a little ways out to trip him, so what do you think?" They both had a devious smile "Lets do it!"

We set up our little trap and waited a good three hours before our sensei showed up. He dodged the eraser and the two first wires but tripped on our third wire falling to the ground then we all shouted "That's what you get for being late!" He got up and spoke "First impression of you, your all really clever, meet me on the roof in one minute," he dissappeared to the roof and we followed soon after.

Sasuke and I were the first to arrive "You blonde undo your hendge now!" I tensed then said "Release!" And I revearted back to my true form with red hair 11 wolf tails, wolf ears, red eyes with black slits, and fangs. Sakura had just come up after my change and was looking at me weirdly "Sensei who's this?" She asked curiously until I turned around and waved nervously at her "H-hi Sakura, how are you?" She was wide eyed "N-Naruto how, wha, huh," she couldn't speak due to how I looked "Yes this is how I actually look, now drop it!" I said when she started petting one of my tails which did feel good but she didn't have permission.

"Ok so how about we begin introductions, how about we start with myself, I am Kakashi Hatake my likes consist of reading my books and my friends dislikes dont really have any my plan fir the future dont have one now pinky you go," we all sweet dropped 'Holy minimalist!' I thought before Sakura began introducing herself "I'm Sakura Naruko, my likes are the color oink and-" looks at Sasuke and I and sudctively giggles "My dislikes are Kiba annoying people, my plan for the future *Seductively giggles again*" we all sweet dropped at her "You pale ass, go," Kakashi said irritating Sasuke "My name is Sasuke Uchiha, my likes are my two brothers and family, tomatoes, and learning new things, as for my dislikes, a pink haired girl who wont leave me and my brother Naruto alone, my plan fir the futyre is to surpass my brother," I smirked because I already lnew all of this "You wolf boy, go," I git up and began "My name is Naruto Uchiha, my likes are foxes, wolves, my family, and jutsu, my dislikes are a pink haired girl and those who would abandon their friends, my plan for the future is private," Sakura had her jaw wide open She screached making us all lose a few brain cells.

We began to converse a bit until Kakashi decided to end the conversation's "Ok everyone meet me at training grounds 7 at 7 am tomarrow and don't eat or you'll throw up, Ja!" He shunshined away leaving us all thinking. After a minute I decided to inform them on what we should actually do "How late was he Sakura?" She looked at me with a questioning look "He was exactly three hours late, why?" "Go there at 10 am and eat breakfast, we will need our strength against him for tomarrow, lets go home Sasuke," Sasuke and I left for home.

We got home and heard our mother in the kitchen "So who's your sensei you two?" She asked "Our sensei is Kakashi Hatake," I said and she instantly perked up "Kakashi! He's your biological fathers student! I might have to go say hi tomarrow," she said with a smile "You can come with us if you want, we need to leave at 9:40 if you want to meet him on time," she smiled "All right then,"

Kakashi POV

I was returning to my apartment still thinking 'That Naruto looks a lot like sensei and Kushina but with wolf ears and tails and those eyes, I might have to ask about that but... Time to resume my book hehehe'

So thats the first chapter of my new Naruto book. I hope you all enjoy and will like this one like my others. And like my Uncle Kakashi once said: JA!

Naruto the Great Jinchuriki (Naruto x fem Kurama)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя