hear my love

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joe's pov 

the car drove past all the other house that are owned by my new neighbors. soon we pulled up into the driveway of my new house. my parents turned off the car and they got out. i got out with them. the sight of the new house made my gut hurt. i hated it. 
because of my dad's new job we had to make some changes in our lives. we had to move from new york to the UK. i obviously had to give up my friends and that made my heart sting even more than it already did. 

i got my stuff from the trunk and went in. the sent of the home i was going to stay in for god knows how long overwhelmed me. it smelled of drywall and cleaning supplies. it was a rather weird and disgusting combination, but i had to suck it up and deal with it. 

i went upstairs to check out the rooms that the house offered. i looked in one of the rooms and realized the room was the master bedroom and i had to leave that one to my parents. i shut the door and went to the other room. i then saw how tiny it was.

well, i got to make this work somehow.


it was my first day at my new school and i was so scared. i put my backpack on over my back and started to walk to the bus stop. i turned on my phone and started to play a game on it and waited for the bus.

soon, the bus came and i got on. i found a completely empty seat near the back and decided that i should sit there. the bus started moving again. i got back to playing the game on my phone.
that's when i felt and saw someone get in the seat with me.
he moved his lips but i couldn't hear anything that came out of them. i'm guessing he was saying hi to me. i then put a finger up to tell him "one moment". i got out a piece of paper and a pen of of my backpack. i wrote on the note and gave it to him. and he saw what it said.
"i can't hear you. i'm deaf." he looked up at me with sympathy. he pointed at the pen, signaling for me to give it to him, and i gave it to him. he then wrote this down.
"i'm sorry. i'm gwil by the way." he gave it to me with a smile and i read it. he gave me the pen and i wrote down my name. 

me and this gwil guy had a whole conversation on the piece of paper. it was actually really nice. he was very kind and accepted the fact that i was deaf. he gave me his number and i gave him mine. he actually told me that he knew sign language so now me and him can talk without having to write it down. i now have made one friend so far today.

soon, lunch rolled around. it was a big struggle having to tell every teacher that i'm deaf. and it's a struggle because every teacher has to tell me specially how to do the work because i can't hear the directions. i was really happy about lunch.

i sat down at an empty table and took everything out of the lunch i packed. i started eating and i felt sad sitting alone. but even if i did have someone to sit with, it's not like i could hear their voice so it doesn't make a difference.

ben's pov

"come on, you should go talk to him. he's all alone." max said to me as we ate our food. there was this guy across the cafeteria that was sitting by himself and i was thinking about going over there and talking to him. he looked so lonely and i wanted to fix that.
"alright, fine. i'll go over there." i got up and started walking to the guy at the empty table.
"is this seat taken?" i asked him and he looked up at me. he opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. i laughed a little at that.
"i'm taking that as a no." i said and i sat down next to him. he started to looked worried.
"i'm ben." i stuck out my hand and he shook it shyly. 
"what's your name?" i asked him. no answer. he was breathing heavy but he didn't answer me. he looked really sad now. 
"i like your jacket." i said to him. still no answer.
"can you talk?" he looked at me and opened his mouth again but he still didn't answer me. i was started to get aggravated by now.
"you know what, nevermind. if you don't want me to be your friend then you could've just told me." i then started walking away, back to my table.

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