swing set

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joe's pov

"go away, stupid!" "yeah, go away nerd!" they told me in a response to 'can i hang out with you?'. i've always tried to hang out with the cool kids. but if i can't fit in with the normal kids, how the hell am i going to fit in with the popular kids? i walked off after they rejected me. i went to my favorite place in the whole playground.
the swing set. 

i went to one of the swings and took a seat on it. i wasn't in the mood to actually swing so i just sat there being sad. 

i kept on kicking the dirt that is under the swing, when suddenly i heard an unknown voice from behind me. "is this swing taken?" i turned around a saw someone i haven't seen before, not at the playground, nor at school. it was a boy. he had short, blonde hair with emerald eyes. his eyes were so nice. my heart started to rush. "n-no." he smiled at me and took a seat on the second seat next to the one i was on. "i'm ben by the way." he told me his name and i told him mine. "are you okay?" he asked me. i nodded, even though i wanted to say no. "you don't seem okay." he told me with his sweet voice. i finally gave in. "they didn't let me hang out with them." i said as i pointed at the group of people that wouldn't let me play with them. "they just kept on calling me names and picking on me." i looked up to see him with a concerned look on his face. "why don't you just hang out with someone less mean?  you can hang out with me and my friends." i was about to turn him down, but then i realized that i don't have any friends so i at least have a shot at making some. "okay" then he got up and and he told me to follow him to where his friends were.

"guys, this is joe." he said as i looked at his friends that were all hanging out where the slides were. his friends names were rami, gwilym, and lucy. they were all very welcoming and kind. they took me in right away. we had a good conversation. they learned things about me and i learned things about them. then, we all had to line up because recess was over. they said their goodbyes and they told me that i can hang out with them again tomorrow.

and so i did.

AGE 13

"come on joe, hurry up" ben told me while me and him were running to the park by our school. we just graduated 7th grade and we celebrated by going to the park next to the school. just me and him. me and him also shared our 5 year friendship anniversary not too long ago. these years  were the best years of my life. ben is my true best friend. he was there for me when no one else was. i can always count on him. me and him went through puberty in the time between 8 and 13. he hit it before me, but it's fine. he always would talk about crushes that he would have on different girls. i didn't have any crushes yet. but i think that is okay. i will get one soon. 

we ran all the way to the park and stopped once we were at the slides.instead of going down it, we just chilled at the top of them. "so, do you have a girlfriend yet?" he asked me when i was fully comfortable and at the top of the slide. "no...how about you,? do you have a girlfriend yet?" he answered me with "actually, i do". i wanted to feel happy for him, but i didn't. i felt...jealous...? and i didn't know why. "oh, um...who?" i asked and he smiled. "erica"...ERICA!?!?! out of all of the people he could've had a crush on/date? he chose erica? "really, erica?" i asked him. pretending like i'm not mad. he nodded to my question. "what? you don't like her?"......NO!... "um...yeah...i-i like her" i said in the most realistic way i could. "she is so pretty. i'm lucky i have a girlfriend like her. but don't go after her, she's mine." he told me with a smile. i (faked) smiled back. i knew i had to tell him. before i could, he interrupted. "joe! look!" he pointed to the swing set. i smiled and so did he. me and him got down from the top of the slide and ran to the swing. me and him sat on them and started swaying our legs back and forth so we could swing. i could officially tell him then. "ben" he turned his head to face me. "i don't like erica." . "you don't?" he asked me out of breath. i said 'no'. "who do you like?" he asked me...so i answered. "i don't like anyone" "oh, come on! you gotta like someone. who is one person that just...stands out to you. like that person that makes your heart go fast and your palms sweaty?" i hate to admit this, but ben makes me feel that way. but i can't have a crush on him. it's wrong. i can't like a guy. and he's my best friend. "um...-" i was cut off by the beep of ben's phone. he stopped swinging and i stopped with him to see what his phone said. he took it out of his pocket and read the notification that came up. 'wanna come 2 a party 2night at my house' -erica. "erica's having a party. do you want to come?" i thought about it for a second. this would be the first party i've ever went to. of course i would like to go. "yeah. when is it?" "i'll ask erica" then he started texting erica.

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