Chapter three

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Ellie's P.O.V

The bus stopped and I heared the big man that helped me who's name was apparently Paul say " We have arrived at the vet." 

I froze this is when we discover the fate of our cats. I gulped only to come out of my thoughts by Paris nudging me. I stand up and quickly, grab mittens and follow one direction out of the bus..... I still feel awkward with them being here they're the worlds bigest boyband, why won't I?. I run into the vet me being a fast runner got there first. I slammed the door open and run to the counter were the lady looked at me with wide eyes and quickly said follow me. I did what I was told with Pais and one direction behind me. We lay them down on a bed were some vets rushed in and took them away. I looked longingly at the door were they had taken my presious mittens away. "sooooooo.... You guys don't sound like you are from the UK" louis asked, I could tell he was trying to get our minds of our nearly dead cats "yeah we're from Australia but came here last year to live." I answer dully. "Oh cool!" Niall exclaimed "but why?" "ummm our mum just wanted us to move" i sighed we are so bad at lying sometimes.

The room was met by more silence until a vet came in. I shot bolt upright, taking Paris with me on my way up. " oooopppps sorry" I murmur. as so rubbed her arm were I grabed her "Excuse me but can I talk to the owners of the cats?" the lady asked. "That will be us" Paris replied, I just gave a sharp nod.

Right now I didn't care that I looked hiddious in frount of one direction, wearing baggy shorts and my make-up probly all smugged from crying, all I cared about was the safety of our cats.


Paris' P.O.V

As we followed the lady into a little office I could feel Ellie tense beside me. "it's gonna be fine" I whisper she just nods. I hope she will be okay.... What ever the news is.

" Ginger has a badly Brocken leg and will need serious surgery and Mittens will have to have her tail removed and they will both need blood transplants.... But it will be a long recovery and a very expensive bill to pay" I close my eyes and take a deep breath then shared a look at Ellie, being sisters we know what we both want.

"Yes" I finally answer I don't care about the cost I will put all of my savings to keep my cat alive and I could tell Ellie was thinking the same.

We slowly walked back to were the boys were waiting and flopped down on the chairs with our heads down....... There goes our money for our summer holiday. "Soooo what happened?" Louis dared to break the silence. 

I just repeated everything the vet said and then changed the subject by asking "can we go home now?"  

"sure" Liam said.  

"Umm I think I will just walk down to the park on the way home I need to clear my head a bit" Ellie said nervisously  

"sure" I sighed giving her a look witch said 'stay safe' she just rolled her eyes and walked out.  

I looked at the boys and Harry spoke first, " how can she walk that far its a 20 minuet drive!"

"Ohhhh shee can walk for hours non-stop!" I explained

*sigh* I just hope she is okay I thought as I walked out of the vet to the bus behind my 'new' neighbours.


End of chapter!

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That was awesome Ellie yeh I know I'm writing this at the end of a chapter but who cares.  

~ paris

thanks paris! ~ sorry for our little covo during a chapter.... We LOVE the song moments! it is so good..... I sometimes feel like crying! and well paris does!  

counting down the days for the new album to be relised! ~ ellie

yeh i'm setting an alarm for midnight on the 9th of November to watch the album download - Paris

Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Love, Kiss or Torture? ( a 1D fanfic) *in editing*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang