New job

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Your POV
This is it, my first day as a video maker for Polygon, I couldn't wait to get started. I walked up to the reception in the office building and cleared my throat "Hi! I'm Y/N, I'm the new polygon video producer." The secretary looked up with a smile "hi honey, I'm Katie. Follow me I'll take you to your new office." Wait what?! I didn't know I got my own office that's crazy!


I started unpacking my things in my office, it had such a sleek modern design I LOVE IT my first video is going to be on 'FNAF 1 theory' (this is set in 2014 just as FNAF came out) I think it'll be a great pitch because FNAFs a indie game that no ones covered yet!

I sat down in the pitch room with some others that were just arriving, as everyone had sat down I looked around all the faces trying to read peoples emotions to try and figure out who would be nice, I can't enter a room without doing it. "Okay, before we get into pitches I'd like to introduce Y/N, she is the newest arrival to the polygon team." A woman who was clearly the boss said whilst looking out to the long table of people. Everyone gave me kind smiles, small waves or quiet 'hey's. "Okay, now onto the pitches, who's got video ideas?" nows my chance, make an impression and just go for it "I actually wanted to do my first video on Five Nights At Freddie's, I know it's a indie game, but no one has covered it yet and I think I could get a solid theory on it. If I jump the gun on the rest of YouTube." Some people had mix emotions on their face one guy spoke up "I don't know... it's your first video, it's gotta be good, you don't want to waste it on some spoof boring game that probably has nothing cool behind it, I'm jake by the way" I nodded my head at him slightly in disappointment but also in a way that didn't seem too aggressive "well I don't know jake, I haven't played FNAF but I think there may be more to it than meets the eye, I think it's got a lot going for it" said cute guy with mid length brown hair "I'm Brian, by the way" said the same guy, I waved back and mouthed thank you to him.

I looked back at the girl at the front who was staring at Brian with an angry look on her face, I don't know what he had done wrong but she REALLY wasn't happy "fine. Do your boring piece on FLAF and make a bad impression with the internet" I'm getting a REAL bad vibe from this bitch and I'm not putting up with any bullshit, I gotta make an impression and stand my ground "actually, it's FNAF, your ego must've been affecting your senses." I said bluntly, I received a lot of laughs from everyone at the table except for the girl at the front. "Meeting dismissed." She said angrily and everyone began to leave the room whilst still laughing and talking about my joke.

After I had walked towards the door I was stopped by Brian "Hey! Uh Y/N, I'm Brian from earlier" I giggled "yeah I remember you, thanks for sticking up for me" he looked down to his feet "no problem, I think it's a great idea, if you want I can help you research it and play through the game to find anything?" I was slightly shocked, with the way that girl looked at him after all he did was agree with me WHY would he now offer to help me with the piece... does he have a death wish?! "If you would rather do it alone that's cool..." I must've been thinking about it for longer than I thought "oh, no I'd love the help thanks, come by my office later and we can get started?" He smiled "yeah that sounds great. I'll see you later" he then quickly ran off.

Brian David Gilbert x readerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα