Chapter 2 ~ An Unexpected Visitor.

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"One is an ass."

"Ah Four so lovely to hear from you, what happened? Two said that Six is dead?" I was still confused as everyone had left you in the dark to worry.

"Yeah, Six isn't here anymore." The sad tone I heard made my head spin.
"One chucked him over the side of a boat like he meant nothing."

"You know how he is Four, that's his rules." I tried to sound as sympathetic as possible to not irk him further.

"I know where supposed to be these ghosts but that doesn't change that fact that we're still living, breathing human beings. One also said we weren't a family."

"Family means different things to different people, Ones a strange guy no doubt but you have to take him with a pinch of salt. You know what you signed up for when you joined, it's shit but it's just how it is we all knew that." I really wanted to be positive but the situation was awkward.

"If it makes you feel better, I know the rest of the team feel like family as well." I said at an attempted to lighten the mood.

"You're Family too Zero." He said in a quiet voice.

"That's kind, but it doesn't exactly feel like it when am stuck here behind the cameras, our only communication is through coms. I don't think I've interacted with another person in years." I laughed dryly.

"We'll meet one day, we have to right." He said seriously.

"What's with all this serious business monkey boy? Am starting to miss the sassy comments."

"And this is why am going to run your ass into the ground when we meet. I promise you know, am going to annoy the shit out of you and it'll be so worth it because you won't be able to turn me off like you do with coms." He scoffed.

"You can try pretty boy but you'll end up on your ass I swear. Anyway get some sleep Four, you need to be up bright and early to meet the new guy. I need to get on with this research for One." I said with a tired sigh.

"Okay mum." He said in a mocking tone.

"Is that one of your kinks four?"

"Wouldn't you like to find out, maybe we can talk about it further when we meet." I could tell he was smirking.
"Good night Zero, don't forget to dream of me and my perfect body."

I just scoffed and turned off coms.

I leaned back on my chair to stretched my back it clicked in a few places but made it feel a lot better, I'd give anything to be out in the field with the rest of the guys not only to feel closer to them but to be doing something more than stuck in a house all day staring at screens.

3 years ago I would have dreamed of no social interaction but now it was taking a toll on me, humans crave attention and I was starved of it.

Don't get me wrong I love my job, hacking was what I was best at but hacking could also be done outside in the fresh beautiful air and sunshine. That's why I started to develop some ways to hack while on the move.
I know there are possibilities already out there to do this already but these were to fit my needs and skills.

I wasn't feeling very positive though about actually Getting out, One is a very stubborn man. He was very insistent on me staying hidden so I'd never actually ask.

I sat there for another Three hours doing some more research for the new mission when I decided that I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. I walked to the bedroom stretching again while picking up my pyjamas and a towel. Then headed to the bathroom to take a nice warm shower to relax.

I then hopped into bed.
As soon as my head hit the pillow I was out of it.

I was startled awake by a loud knocking coming from the front door I looked at the clock on my bedside time to see it was 3:00 AM.
"What the hell." I grumbled to myself.

I grabbed the gun from under my pillow and headed down the hall.
I waited a little to see if the person would just go away when I didn't answer.

But then the knocking came again even louder this time.
"Zero open up, it's me One."

I cocked my head to the side confused, why the hell was One here I hadn't seen him in person for a year.
I carefully walked to the door to peek through the peep hole to confirm it was indeed One.

I opened the door just enough that he could sneak in.
"You dumb ass what are you doing here?"

"Hey, nice gun is it new?" He just walked past me to the kitchen.

"I said what the hell are you doing here One?

"Can't I just pop by and see my favourite ghost?" The fake hurt on his face made me scoff.

"You haven't come to see me in a whole year. Plus you never show up without wanting something."

"At least make me a drink." He went to make himself comfortable on my couch.

I just rolled my eyes, I was use to Ones ass of an attitude now. "Yeah sure just make yourself at home."

I passed him his rum and sat on the seat across from him.
"So what do you think of the team, you and Four seem to be getting on extremely well emphasis on extremely there. I was going to say it's a good job your not on the field team or you'll probably be sleeping together or annoying the hell out of the rest of us with your tension. But that's going to change soon."

"What do you mean that's going to change soon?"

"That's what you picked up on? Thought you'd take any chance to deny anything between you and Four."

"One just tell me why the hell you're here so I can go back to sleep." I angrily sipped on my rum.

"Fine don't get your panties all in a twist." He put his glass down on the coffee table.
"I need you in the field."

I nearly chocked on my rum. "Excuse me? Why now, why all of a sudden?"

"We need everyone this time, after loosing Six the stakes are higher. It's going to take the full team."

"But you have Seven now, who's incredible by the way. I mean cheers to me I guess I did find him."

"I know but this one is going to take you all, believe me I would rather keep you out but I have no choice."

"What would I be doing?" I shifted in my seat, excited but nervous more about meeting the team rather than the mission itself.

"Going to a party in Vegas." He downed the rest of his rum then got up to put the glass in the sink.

"Sounds hard." I said sarcastically. "And my disguise?"

"Bartender. I want you to watch, to listen and learn." He leaned up against the door to the kitchen.

"So just a normal day, fine I'll do it. I really need to get out of this stuffy apartment anyway. Was a nice pick this time though." I got up to put my own glass in the sink.

"Great I'll send the details. But first we need to monitor someone else." He started heading to the door.
"Also, when you and Four meet each other please try to keep yours hands off each other."

Just like that he was gone, god knows when I'd see him again.

I just smiled to myself. "No promises." I whispered to myself as I locked the door and headed back to the bedroom, ready to catch the last 3 hours of sleep I had left.

This was definitely going to be interesting, in more ways than one.

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