It took a while for Hazel to give in but eventually she returned the hug while silent sobs left her mouth. She was heartbroken her own mother would do something like that. It was such a Dark spell her body still felt sore in all places, she couldn't even speak properly because her throat felt stuck, unable to make one single noise.

"Would you like to speak about it?" Softly asked Sirius, still hugging tightly his daughter. But he knew she wouldn't. He never fully opened up to James until a few weeks after he was disowned, he knows what it's like the feeling of not being loved by their own family, their own blood.

Something he has done to his own daughter all this years.

He felt on his chest her head move from side to side indicating him she doesn't want to speak. He understood the pain she was feeling like no other would, after himself being disowned at sixteen years old he felt more connected to Hazel than ever.

Ending the hug he observed Hazel's bruises. Dark purple circles all around her throat, her lip was bleeding and the palms of her hands too. His eyes softened when he looked into her grey eyes, pain was clear on her face, Hazel was so damaged and it was all his fault.

Hazel followed after her father up the stairs into a room. He sat her down on the bed and started to organize everything for her.

"You can stay here. I'm in the room next door if you need anything" He murmured at her. Sirius wasn't sure what to do, he was never a big lover guy and from what he has heard neither is Hazel. Not being sure how to console her, Sirius only left the room when he saw Hazel nodding at him.

Once closing the door to her new room, he smacked his head against the wall in disapproval of what just happened, he could have done something better but he didn't know how or what.

Sirius hates to admit it but he must put his pride aside and ask Remus what he should do.

                   He tried falling asleep that night, but nothing could work on his mind. Even though Hazel was just in a room next to his, the thought of her being in such a vulnerable state brought tears to his eyes. He should've of followed James advice all those years before, he should have took it upon himself to search for his little girl all over Canada no matter what, but he didn't, he didn't try hard enough and it was killing his mind.

Standing up from his bed, Sirius left his room heading towards Hazel just to make sure she was okay.

But when he opened the door he saw her sitting on a chair next to the bed with tears running down her face as she gripped her left forearm. Her eyes didn't look at him, just stared down to the floor while she sobbed on her own.

Sitting down on the bed, Sirius tried to ignore how she flinched away slightly. He sighed looking around his brothers old room.

"You can talk to me, Hazel" he softly spoke trying to make her comfortable.

"I know"

Her statement brought surprise upon his handsome face.

"I'm afraid to open up to you—" She confessed once again, speaking softly as well. It was so quiet, the only thing that could be hear was the occasional sound of the wind hitting the closed window."Then you'll leave. . . Like everybody I know does"

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