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"Hey Hazel!"

She heard from behind her somebody call. She just came back from the Great Hall after breakfast wearing just her pjs with no shoes on, walking towards her common room so she could spend the rest of the weekend in hibernation.

"Gryffindor and Hufflepuff are having a friendly match this afternoon, we were wondering if you'll like to commentate the match?" George Weasley asked her when he came in front of her.

Hazel froze, it was definitely weird the two houses that most hate her wanted her to commentate the match.

"What happened to Lee Jordan?" She asked.

George smiled at her, "He is very sick to do it" he answered. "So?— come one Hazel, I know you want" He said again pocking her on the stomach.

Hazel let a small smile appear on her face lighting her gorgeous grey eyes.

"Alright, I'll do it"

"You are amazing" He beamed before giving her a kiss on the cheek. Hazel's eyebrows rose in questioning but soon let out a giggle, yes a giggle, when she saw how red he became.


When the time finally came she dressed with black pants, black boots, a white shirt and her leather jacket.

She walked to the Quidditch pitch getting a nostalgic feeling, she missed playing Quidditch. Honestly the only source of serotonin she gets.

There were more people than she thought, even from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons were there screaming. She went up to where the speaker was next to McGonagall. Hazel didn't give her a glance out of embarrassment.

Sirius gripped Remus arm getting his and James attention. All the three adults thought it would be fun to come and watch the friendly match, only Sirius didn't thought Hazel would come because she was a Slytherin.

Hazel took a deep breath calming her nerves grabbing the microphone, she had to put aside her fear and just be her old self, carefree and funny. All the players went out to the pitch, Hufflepuff wearing yellow and Gryffindor red robes. Madam Hooch could be seen saying all the rules and how the game must go.

"Hi everyone, for all those who had been living under a rock and don't know me, I'm Hazel Merrythought and today I'll be your commentator since Lee Jordan got a severe case of diarrhea" Her voice came out strong but raspy and sweet at the same time just like usual.

"This is going to be fun" James spoke to both of his friends.

"She's more like you than you like to believe Sirius" Remus commented just realizing the leather jacket she was wearing, the exact same one Sirius once owned.

"And the Quootle has been set free" Hazel said hiding her chuckling. She obviously knows how the game works, it's just funny to mess around with McGonagall.

"It's the Quaffle, Merrythought" McGonagall corrected.

Hazel just pretended to not hear her. "This Hufflepuff boy I don't know is passing the Quootle to a second guy, then back at the first boy, then back again... back to— whoa, anyone feeling dizzy here?"

"That's not how the game works" McGonagall said sharply. "You are Captain of the Slytherin team, surely you must know the rules of the game" It was heard all around the stadium followed by a wave of laughter.

"Of course I know what I am doing, Minnie" She said, the laughter that came from the three adults at the other side of the stadium was lauder than anything else. "I have two parasites called Kialo and Aurelius who can't shut up for once about Quidditch, do you honestly believe that I wouldn't be lectured all about the rules of Quidditch?"

"10 points to Hufflepuff." McGonagall said changing the score.

"Cedric Diggory is looking exceptionally handsome today, he looks scrumptious in that Quidditch uniform. Can I get a hell yeah from the audience if you agree?"

Hazel looked slightly pleased when a size able chunk of fans yelled back 'hell yeah'.

"Wood is no doubt slightly distracted by the fact his girlfriend cheated on him" Hazel kept going not caring about McGonagall. "That Angelina girl scores, 10 points to the Gryffindorks"

"HOLY SHIT DID ANYONE SAW THAT HUGE EAGLE?"  She shouted making everyone, even the players to look up to the sky, "There is no eagle this is England fuckers, but I made you look and I am amazing" she joked. Hazel suddenly felt a hard thing hitting her thigh, looking over she saw McGonagall just hit her with her umbrella.

"For those of you who had thought that your grandfather had just gotten on a broom and attempted to shoot a goal you are wrong, that's just Fred Weasley proving once again that you really can sleep your way to the top"

"One of the many Weasley's, stop laughing and start playing, you are not as funny as you think you are" A middle finger was flashed her way.

"If Bones can afford the new nimbus then she can bloody affor to pay me the four galleons she owes me" Hazel demanded. "Yes Professor this is all highly important information... no It's not nonsense- look you made me miss a goal, 10 points to Hufflepuff."

"And is that...? Yes! Potter goes into dive, he's seen the Snitch, he's- he's-... a lump on the ground. Apparently he can see the Snitch from the other side of the pitch, but he can't see the ground in right in front of his fucking face"

"Alright, you're out"

Professor McGonagall said making all the stadium boo at her because what technically was making the game interesting was Hazel.

Hazel just laughed and walked down to the ground deciding to just go to the common room not wanting to watch anymore the game.
She had to prepare for a weekend of hibernation.

She walked back to the castle when suddenly an owl landed on her shoulder. She groaned in pain once the nails of the animal digged themselves in her skin. Hazel quickly shooed the bird away once she grabbed the letter.

With shaking hands she observed the letter, it was from her mother. The crest of the Merrythought family sealed the envelope that looked quite thick for a letter. Without even thinking about it, she took out her wand and burned the letter in her hand, watching as the flames slowly ate the life away of the paper leaving nothing mkre than just ashes.

She wiped her hands away as her hard stare looked around in case somebody saw her. Unfortunately her father did but without nothing said between them Hazel walked again towards the castle as if nothing happened.

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