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Lisa enters her apartment followed by the brunette.

She's still soaked, the sudden warmth of the dining room still not enough to stop the shivers of her body.

That's not her main problem, though.

"This is my apartment", she says softly, turning towards the other girl.

The brunette looks just a little less terrified than minutes before, but her arms keep embracing her own body.

She doesn't answer.

Suddenly, a mewling sound interrupts the silence.

Lisa's cat, still half-asleep, enters gracefully into the room to greet her owner.

"Hi, Leo", the blonde coos as she leans down to pet his fur, "Did you miss me?"

The taller girl raises her head to find the shortest looking at the animal curiously.

"This is Leo", she explains, "my cat".

As in cue, the feline approaches the brunette slowly, his eyes open wide. He starts to smell the girl keeping a bit of distance and she instinctively reaches down a bit to show the palm of her hand. Leo gets closer.

The cat analyzes the girl for a few more seconds and seems ultimately pleased with the results, because he immediately starts rubbing his head against the brunette's hand, purring loudly.

The girl seems fascinated, her eyes lighting up a bit.

Lisa, on the other hand, is a bit shocked.

"He usually doesn't do well with strangers", she explains.

The shorter girl looks at her, more at ease.

They just stay like that for a short while until Lisa shakes her head lightly, realizing she's kind of ignoring her duties as a host.

"Oh, you must be freezing! You can take a shower if you want. I can lend you some clothing".

Lisa is conscious about the fact that there are thousands of things to discuss with the brunette, but she knows that it would be useless to try to come up with answers right now.

Everything is just too recent.

The other girl frowns lightly, considering.

The blonde is a completely stranger, true. And she's a human.

But she brought her to her own apartment and offered her own clothing, which means that she can't be that bad. And she's a special human, after all.

"But you're cold too", the brunette states, taking into the blonde's soaked figure.

"Not that much", she answers, "I can take it".

The brunette doesn't miss the way in which Lisa stuffs her hands into the pockets of her jeans.

"Alright", she says, still a bit hesitant.

"I'll search for something that fits you. Oh!" a sudden thought makes her stop abruptly, "Would you tell me your name?"

"I don't have a name on Earth", the girl answers.

"I know. You can choose one, though. So I know how to call you".

It's strange, because the brunette doesn't even have to think about it.

"I'm Jennie", she says.

She feels an odd warmth blooming in her heart.

"Jennie", Lisa repeats softly.

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