"Harry?" I asked so quietly, I had to cough and repeat his name, this time with a little bit more force. "Harry."

He stared at me, blazing green eyes burning into my soul, just like they had always done. He looked a little bit tired, but that didn't surprise me.

What did surprise me, though, was the way he seemed to be unable to tear his eyes away from me. His lips were slightly parted, low puffs of air whistling through them. His eyes were wild and it seemed as if he were about to say something.

I gulped, twice, my mouth suddenly incredibly dry. I couldn't find any words to say, so I kept quiet and hoped he would break the silence first.

However, he didn't. Within seconds, his shocked expression turned into a glare and he snorted once, then abruptly turned around and hurried down the hallway, away from his original destination.

"Harry!" I called after him, but it was of no use.

There was not enough time to get over the shock of suddenly seeing him right in front of me, up close after days of suffering without his presence, due to the bathroom door swinging open for what seemed like the tenth time tonight.

"You look like you have seen a ghost," Lisa commented after briefly looking at me, drying off her hands on her thighs.

"I-" I spoke up, but then stopped. There was no way I could describe this bizarre incident.

Although no words had been spoken and my mind had momentary gone blank, I now felt a heap of emotions crush down on me.

My blood was burning and my eyes were stinging, but on the outside I was deadly calm. Too calm in fact, that my best friend blinked at me, completely surprised by the way I was behaving.

"Let's go," I said, my voice lacking any emotion that rushed through my system.

I was so damn certain he wanted to talk to me, tell me he was sorry and would kiss me right on the spot, begging for me to forgive him. I would have stopped him before he even had a chance to apologize, already dismissing my new decision before I had even a chance to carry it out.

The sudden chance of heart had left me completely confused, unable to comprehend what even was going on with him.

I really had to stop thinking about Harry, he was not worth my time anymore.

"Liss," I mumbled, catching her attention. "Take me home."

She nodded once, then told me to wait just somewhere beside the bar while she talked to the girls and arranged for Theresa to take them home. I doubted they'd all fit into a single car, but I couldn't find it in me to care.

While I waited for her to come back, I forced my eyes to look anywhere but at Harry.

It turned out to be difficult, however. Like a magnet, my eyes were pulled into his direction, but at the same time there was a second force, telling me not to move.

It tore me apart, my insides started to turn. There was no way this was normal.

And there was definitely no way I could ever get over Harry. You just couldn't get over a man like him, no matter how hard you tried.

"Stop sulking and move your ass," Lisa screamed into my ear and grabbed my arm. We received our jackets from the coatrack and left the club, the alcohol having lost his effect ages ago.

The drive home passed by in a blur. Before I had a chance to realize it, I was already slowly falling asleep, too exhausted to even remove my makeup.

I awoke to something wet stroking my face, multiple times. My cheeks, my nose, my forehead, my chin, then my cheeks again.

Somewhat disgusted and confused, I opened my eyes – and found myself staring into two deep brown, nearly black ones.

Perilous (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now