Part 2- Bitch alert!

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*I will be adding POV'S of the characters at several points on the story*
The news of zack's breakup was buzz for the next few days in our school, all the girls who didn't get a chance with Zack coz of britanny were now drooling all over him. Many girls be it juniors or seniors they all approached Savannah, to get closer to Zack of course. Whereas, Brittany was the total social attention seeker now, she had been manipulating people and saying them that Zack was the one who cheated on her with Savannah , at first Savannah didn't seem to care neither did Zack, but then the picture of Zack and Savannah hugging after the party was leaked by one of Brittany's so called "wannabe followers" and it blew up.

Savannah had to face a lot of critcism after it whereas Zack's football teammates to criticized him for cheating. Savannah was basically bullied for something she didn't do. But Zack had a lot of nerve and he started hanging out with Savannah alot in school which reinforced the fact that Zack had completely moved on but while dating Brittany, he was used to all the fake rumours .

Britanny,on the other hand was still not done, she was still in the revenge mood as she always was very insecure about Savannah. She was still willing to get Zack back as all her reputation and popularity was because of Zack.

Savannah POV - I really didn't care about the shit britanny was up to the only fact i liked here that Zack was spending more time with me instead of his other group which ofcourse is good because we are best friends after all.

During the lunch break riley,Savannah and Zack were on one table and Britanny had been giving her the most evil stares it was sure she was upto something but Zack reassured Savannah that she won't do anything as she is harmless. That's when Britanny spilled the grape juice on Savannah, before Savannah could say something in her defence Zack stood up and lashed out on Britanny
" That's enough! We had broken up over a month ago, get over it. It was cool till u spread rumours about me and Savannah because we knew that bitches like you can't do any better, but hurting Savannah on purpose is a big deal. If you don't back off this right second then i am going to leak your's and leo's making out photos, and i am sure you must have the brains now to stop with your plan".

The whole cafeteria was in shock , riley and Savannah were shook head to toe, Britanny cried and left the cafeteria thats when Zack turned to Savannah , smiled and whispered," I got your back anna." The lunchbreak was over and riley and Savannah were going to class and riley said ," So, Zack is pretty defensive for you,huh?" Savannah said ," Duh, we are best friends he did what was right" riley continued "best friends? Of please that's something a boyfriend would do, plus you were blushing so bad that my blusher would have failed if it competed with you." Savannah got awkward and said "i didn't blush." Riley said ,"oh please i always knew you had the hota for each but ut was just a best friend sugar coating layer on it"
Savannah Chuckled and said ," hots for the guy whom i have seen wearing his sister's heels and makeup? Oh please i wont even let my aunt have the hots for him." Riley said ," sooner or later I will be proved right babe."

Savannah's POV- the day got over  pretty quick, but what riley said was stuck in my mind, Zack was pretty defensive and did sound like a protective boyfriend but i never thought of him as a boyfriend ,maybe because we are too different and we have different worlds though we still are the best of friends, that's when i had this crazy thought of what would happen if we actually dated i loved everything about that guy he had the same qualities i would like to see in my boyfriend but was not sure.

Savannah slept and woke to Zack's text ," Hey,party at Greg's at 8 pm be ready i will pick you up;)." Savannah smiled a bit and got ready.

Let's see how this party changes the relationship between Zack and Savannah;)

Part 3 soon

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