More Than Coincidence

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"Good evening, and welcome back!" You greeted them as cheerfully as possible.  Just as they had on the previous visit, the request was made for something more private. You showed them to the same booth as before, and just as before, it was well received.

You took their drink order, one top shelf bourbon and one amaretto sour. These two always managed to show up when you  were the only one working, so again, you were the one bringing the orders as well as taking them.

At first it was a little awkward because you almost expected one of them to bring up you not calling, but as a pleasant surprise, the subject was not broached, not during the buffalo wing appetizers, not during the french onion soup, not during the steak entree, ordered the rarest rare possible, and certainly not during the Bananas foster and coffee.

The two kept the conversation together in hushed tones, although you noticed an innuendo here, and a bad joke there, and although the former usually generated a head shake and exasperated sigh, you could easily see that the deer demon grinned a bit wider, and even though the latter received a snort and dismissive wave, the spider couldn't hide the gentle amusement in his eyes.

Although you had always been the standoffish type, you still loved to people watch, or in this case, demon watch. It shouldn't have come as a surprise, really, when the head of the deer demon swiveled completely around slowly, which you found not only unnerving, but also very intriguing. 

"Won't you join us, my dear?" He purred with a head tilt, his voice as smooth as dark chocolate. You knew this was phrased as a question, but it was much more of a demand. Your feet began moving of their own volition, as everything in the room began to fade except those glowing eyes, which looked more like dials and that insidious wide grin, which kept growing impossibly larger. You found yourself inexplicably at their table, a low static humming in your ears, it was strange, you could even feel it buzzing in your fingertips, and it was only growing stronger.

"Jesus Al," said Angel " will ya knock that off?!? In an instant,  everything snapped back to normal, which felt oddly strange. "Goddamn." He continued with a huff, "that shit creeps me the fuck out." The spider gave an exaggerated shiver as Alastor hummed a low and devious chuckle, a bit of static mixed in.

"I have absolutely no idea of what you mean." He feigned innocence, as an old laugh track played in the background. "I simply requested the company of this lovely young lady." He laid a well manicured and incredibly sharp claw on top of your hand, eliciting a shiver up your spine. You still weren't completely certain of trusting his intentions.  His face was almost unreadable because of the ever present smiles.

He continued, slowly, "She is a very lovely young lady, don't you agree, hmmm?" He was positively purring his words. If this didn't stop and soon, you just knew that your face would erupt into flames.

"Awwww!" Cooed Angel Dust, beside you. "Ya done went and made her all blushy, Bambi." Angel slid an arm around you and pulled your red face into his surprisingly soft and luscious chest fluff, sitting you on his lap and ignoring the aggravated low growl from his partner at that particular nickname. "You can just hide here for a minute doll," he stroked the back of your ear affectionately as he spoke. It only made the blushing more profound . "You don't have to be so shy, ya know." He whispered into into your left ear, it twitched involuntarily  at the tickle of his breath. He let out a soft chuckle, "look Al," he announced tenderly, "her ears are ticklish, just like someone else I know!"

You had begun to feel a little more like yourself, so you chanced a look up. Yeah, they were both looking at you. Alastor peeking from over his coffee and Angel still stroking the backs of your ears. "Why didn't you call me, toots?" He questioned gently. It was obvious that you wouldn't get away with not answering, and in glancing at Alastor, waiting expectantly, well, he looked like a deer demon lie detector, so you decided to just own the truth, or at least part of the truth anyhow.

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