Chapter 2- Goodbye

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Claire walked down the long road, the sun still high in the sky, beaming down on her, bathing her in its bright light. Yet it provided little heat in these Winter months, Claire sighed. 'Why does Shane always have to be so rude' she thought, 'I do so much for him yet if I dare to go into work because if i don't then I'll probably get eaten by a vampire, thats completely unacceptable and i must be sleeping with Myrnin, tsk pathetic' She continued to walk, not really paying much attention, which in Morganville, could get you killed. 'How dare he, I'm so tired of him doing this to me! Im sick and tired of him... woah wait I'm not tired of him am i? I love him... right? Oh of course i do I'm just angry right now' she chastised herself.

Whilst lost in her thoughts, she failed to notice the person hiding in the bushes, watching her with keen eyes. Claire stopped her internal ramblings and finally looked up, she was already halfway there, she could nearly see the Day house. Then she saw them, a pair of beady eyes watching her every move, shielded by the bushes, but she didn't run. Nor did she scream or yell or panic. She simply waved hello to the girl. Miranda was just 15, not much younger than Claire herself,and psychic. She would have visions about things that were bound to happen, and each time she was right. Miranda stood and shook the twigs from her hair and with a shy smile she waved back to Claire
"Hey Miranda, why were you hiding in the bushes?" Claire asked
"I wanted to tell you something but I didn't want to just approach you" she replied, her voice but a whisper
"So you thought hiding in a bush, staring at me was a better choice?" Claire asked pointedly
"Well no but, it worked did it not?" She gave a cheeky grin
"Yes, i guess it worked, whats up?"
"When she calls do not answer, when she comes do not go near and when she talks do not listen" Mirandas eyes glazed over as she spoke.
"Who's 'she'?" Claire asked, fear settling into her eyes.
"She is she, she is scared"
Claire shook her head, knowing she couldn't get a better answer,
"Ok Mir, thank you, ill be sure to be careful" Claire said kindly as she continued to head towards the lab. 'Who on Earth could 'she' be?' Claire wondered. 'Hannah? Eve? Maybe Miranda herself? Amelie? Oh I have no clue, 'she' could mean any woman in Morganville, hell maybe any woman in the world!' Claire forced herself to push her thoughts and worries down. She had very important work to do as she neared the Day house.

She took a deep breath and turned down the small, dark alley just in-front of the house. She waved her usual wave to Grandma Day who, as usual, waved back, and walked down to the broken door. She took her key out of her pocket and unlocked the near pointless padlock. Speedily, she walked down the old, rickety stairs, she feared that one day they would break beneath her feet and shed fall to her death amongst whatever else was beneath them. She smiled as she saw him, a blur as he ran to table after table, yet so precise as he looked into the microscopes. His outfit today was definitely interesting, a mixture of centuries, a Hawaiian shirt buttoned all wrong, a victorian waistcoat, a pair of leather trousers and, of course, vampire bunny slippers. His hair was a little wet today, his brown curls fell around his shocking green eyes dripping little droplets of water across his face and he ran so quickly. 'If he kept running, it'd be dry in minutes' she thought.
"Hi Myrnin!" She called with a grin
"Ah Claire, finally, your late!" He called
She looked down at her watch, actually she was 12 minutes early,
"Myrnin? Im actually early today" she giggled out
"Yes yes ok, well i need you to be on your A game today my dear, we are working on something very private for Amelie. Not a soul can hear about this but us." He said very seriously. The two worked all afternoon non stop, Amelie had assigned them a task to make the entire of Morganvilles borders self sufficient, as to not suffer if Myrnin were to leave town for a while. This confused Claire, in all of the 300 years Morganville had existed, Myrnin had never once left, why would he leave now? Yet she couldn't question it for long, she had far too much to work on. Many hours later, Claire plopped onto the sofa, exhausted after such a long day, but finally they were finished. Myrnin came and sat beside her, he smiled at her and she smiled back. She took her phone from her bag and glanced at the time, it was nearly 2am.
"Would you like some tea, my dear?" He asked her with a small grin,
"No thanks, id best head home before world war 3 kicks off, im really late today, and whats with that grin?" She asked suspiciously, after her decline to tea, Myrnin looked hurt but he quickly fixed his composure and laughed,
"Well you seem to have gotten something in your hair and, well, its very much a mess" He laughed
"Hey! Not funny!" She whined giving him a little glare and attempting to smooth it down.
"Im sorry fy nghariad" He said sobering up and giving the girl an apologetic smile. Claire continued to fruitlessly attempt to get her hair back to normal.
Myrnin took an unnecessary breath and opened her a portal to her house,
"Ill see you tomorrow, hot water and soap will get it out" He gave her a deep bow and she stood up, said goodbye and walked through the portal. The portal lead directly to the living room, in which Shane was waiting, arms folded, face livid.
"Its 2 in the morning" He stated
"Im so sorry, we were working all the time, I didnt realise the time until just now, I really am sorry Shane" She said quickly.
"Why would I believe a word of that, I mean look at you! Your top has a little rip in it, your hairs a mess, I bet you've been sleeping with him, haven't you! Why am I even asking it's obvious you are, you pathetic little slut. Your disgusting, cheating on me and lying about it" He shouted, his face screwed up in anger.
She would have argued back, she would have defended herself, but after what he just said to her, she didn't. She didn't reply, she didn't scream or shout. She just looked at him and wondered, 'why the fuck have I been dating a guy like that' So she simply said,
"Im breaking up with you, not because I'm with Myrnin, which I'm not, but because, clearly, you couldn't care less about me" And she stood up, and walked to her room. Eve knocked on her door, she came in and explained how she heard it all, she hugged Claire tightly,
"Im so sorry that he's such an ass, I promise tomorrow morning he's out of here, I don't wanna live with a guy that treats my best friend like that"
Claire smiled at her but said,
"I don't want you to kick him out because of me, he was here first, Ill leave, don't worry about me" But Eve insisted that Shane had to be the one to leave. And so, when the next morning came, Micheal threw Shane out, Eve told him were to shove his belongings and Claire stood and watched. And finally, when Eve and Micheal had to leave for work, Claire sat on her bed and sobbed. She sobbed for what Shane had said to her, she sobbed for the loss of her first love, she sobbed for how kind her friends are and she sobbed for leaving Myrnin looking so hurt when she told him she had to go. She couldn't believe how much had changed in one simple day, yet she had to accept it, in Morganville, she didn't have time to be upset. Something new was always seconds away, whether it would be good or bad? No one knew until it happened.

A/N Heya unicorns! Another chapter!! Hope you enjoyed it and remember to leave any suggestions in the comments! Love you all!!! <3

Word count ~ 1433

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