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It took everything, everything in me to not scream in pain as his sharp fangs pierced inside my skin, my whole stomach turning ice as he let out a moan in satisfaction, not even wasting a second to suck on my blood. It’s at times like these that makes me wonder, how do they do it? How do they take pleasure in someone else’s pain and not feel anything? How was this so easy for them? The pain around my neck started to get more intense and I clutched on to his neck, holding back a scream but I couldn’t take it anymore. I finally let out a painful scream but it was muffled out as something locked on my lips almost instantly. My teary eyes slightly widened when I found his lips on mine and I mentally gagged, the taste of my blood now sticking to my throat as he deepened the kiss. My breath hitched when I felt a hand making its way inside my sweater and at this point, I wanted him to stop but keep going at the same time. Why do I keep having mixed feelings?
“More, I want more…” he whispered in my ears and before I knew it, my sweater had slipped right off my body and I clutched my chest in embarrassment as he straddled around my torso, sitting up straight and swiftly stripping of his shirt as well. I know, I know, I’m not fully naked but this already feels like I am, with just my bra on and as much as I was enjoying this, I didn’t want him to see my body. There were tons of insecurities I felt about them and the last person I would want to notice them was Draven. He grew silent for a while and I watched his mouth slightly drop open as he stared at me, his eyes completely getting fixated on my body as they trailed up and down, taking in all the details he could.
“You’re so beautiful,” he finally mumbled, and I just stared into his eyes. He had a look I couldn’t place my finger on and it made the butterflies in my stomach go on a rampage. “You’re honestly so fucking…” he leaned his face closer, gently taking my hands off my chest and pressing both my wrists above my head before peering into my eyes again, making my heart skip a beat. “Beautiful.” He breathed, as if he had been holding it in for so long and I just bit my bottom lip, my whole face flushing as I tried to say something, anything. I really never have been good at taking compliments and-
“Fuck.” He suddenly whispered, lust suddenly filling his eyes before his lips crashed onto mine roughly. This time, I kissed him back just as hard, wrapping my arms around his neck as one of his hands trailed up my hips, causing goosebumps to rise all over my body. How was he able to make me feel so good with just under a small touch? I felt his fingers graze around my bra before they moved down to my thighs and an uncontrollable moan escaped my lips when he grabbed my inner thigh, his breathing only getting heavier as our bodies pulled each other closer.
“Dr-draven…” I parted our lips as his fingers kept brushing against my thighs, making its way up and then moving down in a slow motion and I know for a fact that he was just teasing me. “Stop that…” I almost whined and he only pressed my wrists harder on the bed as a small smirk tugged on the corner of his lips.
“Stop what, doll face?” he cocked his head to a side and before I could say anything, he leaned into a kiss again, making me gasp in pleasure and Draven only used this chance to slip his tongue inside my mouth, exploring it. My heart started racing faster when I felt his fingers slowly making their way up again and just as things started to get more intense, a picture of Dexter’s face flashed through my mind, causing me to pull away almost instantly. What Dexter had said about Lianna…everything about her and-
“What’s wrong, Draven breathed, his eyes locked in mine in concern upon seeing my expression and I noticed the lust in his eyes fade away before his expressions turned into a more serious gesture.
“No-nothing…” I turned away, my mood suddenly dropping at the thought of him and Lianna. They were together at some point, they most definitely did all these things and a lot more, and somehow, I reminded him of Lianna. And of all the times to be pondering over it, I chose to get upset now.
“Did it hurt too much or-”
“It’s not that, I just- I have to go.” I closed my eyes, inhaling deeply before practically pushing him off me. To be honest, I wanted to know about his past, his secrets and everything about him before we do something like this. I want to know if he was just doing all this because I somehow reminded him of her. I mean, that’s the case right? That’s why he called me by her name and that’s probably why he doesn’t want Dexter to have me. Because he thinks this is history repeating itself, right? But I don’t want that to be the case, I don’t want him to see her in me every time we-
“Adriana, what’s wrong?” he questioned, a hint of concern in his voice as I picked up my sweater and I gave him a flat look. “Wait-tell me what’s wrong?” he snatched my sweater just as I was to put them on and I gave him a hard frown, feeling highly uncomfortable to only be wearing a short and bra in front of him, though I was just okay with it a few minutes ago.
“Give it back, I’m leaving.” I tried to snatch it away as he leaned back against the bed, extending his arms further away before I could reach towards it.
“Where? Hey-just tell me what’s going on? Are you upset because we-”
“Can you stop being such a pervert and give it to me?” I huffed, trying my best to ignore the concerned look on his face that he was clearly trying to hide now.
“Look, if you didn’t want me to drink from you then you could’ve just told me and I-”
“Draven, stop, it’s not that.” I interrupted in annoyance and snatched away my sweater as he handed it over to me, turning around to slip it on quickly.
“Then what is it? Because you were fine just now and-stop!” he raised his voice as I bolted towards the door. Hands grabbed my shoulders before spinning me around and I let out a groan before meeting his blue eyes that were now looking right into my brown ones. “Just stop, alright? What’s going on?” his voice softened and it surprised me that he could actually be this calm and patient when he wants to be.
“What do you mean “what?” I want to know what’s going on. Did I do something wrong?” he questioned again, releasing his grip as I folded my hands across my chest and leaned back against the door.
“It’s not what you did tonight, it’s just what you do on a daily basis.”
“Which is?”
“Keeping secrets from me about Dexter, not telling me about you and Lianna, or your past at all for that matter.”
“What? Why are you bringing this up now? I told you that you don’t have to know all that shit.” I could tell that he was starting to get annoyed but I didn’t care. I deserved to know.
“Because I think I deserve an explanation?” I leaned closer as he let out a groan in frustration. “Do you see her when you look at me…?” I finally choked out and I watched his head snap at my direction.
“What? No-”
“Then what is it? Because you have already called me by her name and you and Dexter keep pulling my head because of what happened between Lianna-” I made a face as I mentioned her name but stopped when Draven frowned at me.
“I told you not to disrespect her, doll face.”
“See? I cannot even breathe her name without you getting upset.” I tried to conceal the hurt in my voice but it was clearly evident now.
“Can you please stop making it sound like this is a competition between you and her? She’s dead, alright? Let it go.”
“You know what?” I breathed in, blinking away the tears as he took a step forward, sending me an apologetic look but I wasn’t going to buy it.
“Doll face, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that-”
“Forget it. This never happened.” I finished, cutting him off and opening the door, slamming it shut before he could even react. As I marched through the hallway with tears in my eyes, I noticed Edward making out with one of his whores, slamming her against the wall as I walked right past him and I resisted the urge to puke. Honestly, it’s at times like these I wish I had escaped with Dexter and did as he said. But then again, he was no better. Worse to be honest. But at least he was honest with me about what happened or why he’s doing all this, as childish as the reasons may be. After a good thirty minutes or so, I finally sneaked upstairs back to my room and plopped into my bed when I noticed that Draven was gone by now. Guess he decided to let me be. I buried myself inside the sheets, closing my eyes shut as I tried to not picture what happened tonight. His fingers trailing all over my body as we kissed-
“No, go to sleep.” I scolded myself before closing my eyes shut and inhaling deeply, my eyelids drooping as I let out a sigh. Lianna… he must really have been in love with you.

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