18. Escape

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TW: Smut/ less dubious consent than earlier but still enough


"Now, how do you want to play? I'll let you choose, dear snowflake, after all it's your first time."

Hongjoong was painfully aware of Youjin's fangs glinting in the dim lightning of his room, the mercyful cloud of lust in his head dispersed in order to ensure his survival.

It was actually the perfect moment to prove his survival skills to Seonghwa. That just left the 'how'.

Youjin came up behind Seonghwa, pulling him up and flush against his chest to whisper something in his ear that made the other man blush furiously but at the same time his worried eyes bolted over to Hongjoong.

Youjin kissed oh so sweetly over Seonghwa's neck, sharp teeth on display and Hongjoong was just waiting for the horrible moment he snapped, ripping out the elf's pale throat. Both men were also still expecting for Hongjoong to answer and really, he did too.

"C-Can I... with Seonghwa first?"

The words just came and shocked Hongjoong into a terrified silence as they were not what he expected and according to Seonghwa's surprised grimace neither he did.

Youjin however just laughed.

"Of course you can, dear. Let's wreck him first and then indulge into each other all night, what do you think?" His voice was as sweet as honey, his fingers deft as he started opening Seonghwas clothes slowly.

Hongjoong had seen everything already, was fully aware of his confused body reacting to Youjin and whatever Seoghwa did to him earlier but he still had the decency to advert his eyes. Youjin laughed softly again, lapping up the thick blood slowly collecting on Seonghwa's chin.

Now how did Hongjoong solve this mess?

He was simply trying to save himself. Of course he would not want to be too close to those teeth after what Seonghwa told him. He was entirely not ready to lose not only his sanity but actually his life to Youjin. Also he could easily plan their escape when he was closer to Seonghwa, yes, that was the reason.

Hongjoong stubbornly refused to believe anything else.

"Here, be good to him, hm?" Youjin softly pushed the by now naked Seonghwa towards Hongjoong, throwing his blood stained clothes onto the floor somewhere. He came after them, gently smoothing his hand over Hongjoong's leg and making him shudder.

He was not even sure anymore whether it was in pleasure or fear.

Hongjoong curled up, barely listening to Youjin warning Seonghwa that he would do better not hurting Hongjoong. Everything ached and sweat was pooling uncomfortably at itchy parts of his body. He blindly reached down, feeling for whatever made him hurt this much.

His throbbing length came to no surprise to him, it's hardness more uncomfortable than he ever experienced it to be. He was careful not to touch the angry flesh, instead reaching deeper to a place he never truly had thought about but that made him feel so needy.

It felt wet, everything felt wet and slippery, making him fear for a long heart-stopping moment that it was blood pooling between his legs. However it was only when his fingers barely brushed a foreign object inside of him, that hot pleasure exploded in his stomach, making him moan in the process.

He did not know what this was, where this kind of intense pleasure came from but it hurt so good and Hongjoong felt tears well up in his eyes as his body screamed for him to act upon it.

Cool fingers touching his skin, gently pulling his arms away made him blink, blearily look up at a smiling Youjin.

This man was so soft, so welcoming. Just why did he have to be a villain in this world? Why?

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