Thor's First Christmas

Start from the beginning

Yuki's face turn as red as his girlfriend's shirt, but he didn't say anything except a quick introduction. Sofia smiled and greeted the woman with the typical kisses on their cheeks.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Danielle."

"Well, I'm almost done with dinner, so meanwhile Yuki can show you the house." She sais as she adjusted the long sleeves of her dark blue blouse.

"Yes, ma'am. By the way, I loved the Christmas decoration and that tree looks wonderful." Sofia's eyes went straight to the green fake tree in the corner of the living room. It had an awful taste, but it was fun to break some of the red balls hanging from it.

"Thank you! I love this time of the year; my family always has liked it, actually." Danielle put a strand of her light brown hair behind her ear. "We used to go to my grandma's house who put Christmas songs all day until we couldn't stand them anymore, but anyway, I had brought some traditions."

"Mine, on the other hand, never really cared for it," Takashi said. "Although I was born and raises here, my family still kept Japanese traditions and we don't celebrate Christmas as the western side of the world do."

"Oh, right. Yuki mentioned a bit about it before. Mine loves celebrating Christmas together, so that's why we're traveling tomorrow. I'm sorry you're all celebrating a day earlier because of me."

"Oh, dear, that's not a problem at all. Tomorrow we're visiting my parents, anyway." Danielle said. "Be our guest and I'll call you two soon." So she grabbed her husband's hand to leave Yuki and Sofia alone. Well, not exactly alone because I was right there, trying to help my human not collapse. That boy really needed some more human interaction.

Sofia smiled looking at him.

"So, aren't you gonna show me around the house? And you promised me you'd show me where you draw."

"Sure." He extended his arm for her like the old movies he likes to watch once in a while. Sofia laughed and accepted it, entangling her arm on his.

"You're always such a gentleman."

I really don't know why humans must do it, but he showed her the house like he did when I arrived, but with less petting and more flirting. Then they got to his room. I followed them, just in case Yuki needed some support.

She sat on his bed, her caramel skirt wavering around in a way that it was hard for Yuki to keep his eyes off of her. He shoved his hands in his jeans pockets.

"So, that's it. This is my room and I do most of my drawings right on that table." He pointed at the place he spent most of his time.

Sofia quickly stood up and walked to the table. With his permission, she grabbed the organized papers and flipped through them. Most of them were of me, of course. He explained how he colored the drawings in the computer using his tablet.

"So you always draw paper first?"

"Not always. I like the feel of pen and paper, but sometimes I do it directly on the computer."

"And how long does it take to finish one of your drawings?"

"It depends on the level of complexity, it can vary from a few hours to weeks."

"Weeks?" Her mouth was agape.

"Maybe even more." He shrugged. "But enough of it." He extended her a hand. "Let's go back downstairs?"

"Sure!" She accepted his gesture and both headed down.

I was already annoyed of going back and forth so often, so I took a nap, only to wake up minutes later at the sound of my food being poured onto my plate. I immediately ran to the feeding spot in the living room. As I filled my belly, I listen to the four humans sitting at the table in the dining room, occasionally looking at them as I had a perfect view from the little table near the TV.

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