The Interview

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"Hi. My name is Ben I'm 17 and I am looking for a job that pays well " that should do it, and post.

Now all I do is wait... I hope I get a cool boss but either way I'll be happy to get a job either way.

"I need money for a car cause my car is on the frits it broke down last week so she ain't reliable anymore" .

"Wait what a reply already?"

"Let's take a look... Freddy faze bear pizzeria."

"I remember that place from when I was a kid! He wants me to phone him."

"Ok so 055235 ok and his name is Mr Collins."

*phone rings* "Hello?"

"Good day Mr Collins I am phoning for the job you are advertising at Freddy Faze Bear Pizzeria. I am interested in the job when are you free for me to come in?"

"How about today?" the man asked.

"Ok where and when do I meet you? " asked Ben

" 3 o'clock at the restaurant. " said the man

"ok see you then Mr Collins. "

*about two hours later *

" Ok where is this place...oh there it is"

The manager was waiting outside for him, just standing.

I get out of the car and walk toward the manager and greet him.

"after noon Mr Collins "

I stuck out my hand to greet him. He grabbed my hand and greeted me back.

" After noon Ben how are you? "

" I'm fine thanks "I replied

" Shall we?" Mr Collins asked

"ok "

We walked through a series of corridors and ended at the managers office and stepped in.

You could see the animitronics pictures across the hall on the office wall and plush toys on the chairs and kids drawings. He told me to take a seat.

" ok Ben,what working experience do you have? "he asked me.

" I have worked at a 7/11 for a while "

" ok is that all? " he looked concerned.

" yes I was a security guard there for a while "

" oh OK " he said looking a bit happier with a smile

" any specific questions about the job and amount of money paid? "

How much do you pay per week?" I add

"we pay a hundred dollars a week " he said.

That might be enough for a decent second hand car. I thought to myself.

" ok one more question... Why do you want to work at freddy's pizzeria? "

" To buy a new car ".

" That might take a while "Mr Collins said.

" Your hired. Can you start tonight? "

" Yes I can" I say with a smile.

"Ok see you then Ben "he said while walking out of the room.

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