
576 2 12

Author: Me
Pairing: Reddie
Song: (none)
Warnings: abuse (emotional, physical)
Word count: 2181

Eddie sat on the hospital bed, waiting for his mother, Sonia. Sonia was talking to his doctor, shaking her head as he delivered some kind of news. He suspected crocodile tears as she walked to him, wiping her eyes.

"Whats wrong mommy?" Eddie asked, looking up to her with a fake look of concern. Sonia wailed as she gripped on to her son, she pulled him in for a tight hug.

"Eddie, you have c-cancer." Sonia whispered in his ear as she gripped onto her tighter. The words hit Eddie, straight in the heart.

"T-that can't be true!" Eddie said, his face looking bewildered. Sonia pulled away and cupped her sons cheek, smiling through her own tears.

"Its true Eddie-Bear. . .  the doctor says you have a few weeks to live. . ." Sonia said. Eddies voice cracked as he tried to say something, though he couldn't manage words. His tears streamed down his face as he picked at the tape on his arm from where the needle slid in his skin to take blood.

"I can't believe Im dying. . ." Eddie managed, before Sonia covered her mouth and let out another sob.

"Lets go home, sweetie" Sonia said, grabbing her sons arm and pulling him towards the door.

"What about chemo?" Eddie said, looking up to his mother.

"That kills you faster. . ." Sonia said, wiping her tears quickly and replacing them with a sweet smile.

"Okay. . ." Eddie said as he walked out of the hospital.


Eddie stared out the window of his mothers car. He always knew he was sick, but never that he was dying. His friends always told him his mother was lying to him, but now he knows, she was right the whole time. He looked over to his mother, she still had tears in his eyes.

"Mommy. . . I dont wanna die. . ." Eddie said, his voice breaking as tears threatened to spill from his eyes.

"I know, Eddie. . ." Sonia said,  looking straight at the road. Eddie screwed his eyes shut and let the tears spill.  "I dont know what I'll do without you. . ." Sonia said.

"Did they say where the cancer was?" he asked.

"It was too late to say, they did it might have started in your stomach." Sonia answered.

"I dont wanna die. . ." Eddie cried. He sniffled and looked over to his mother. "I love you, I hope you know that."

"I do, and I love you too, Eddie-bear." Sonia said solemnly. Eddie looked out the window as he passed his friend Richies house. He says 'friend' when he means his crush. . . he has loved Richie for as long as he could remember. He loved Richie with all his heart, but he could never say it because, well, Richie was straight. . .  but all Eddie wanted was to spend his last days with him.

He sniffled as his mother pulled into his driveway, he unbuckled his seatbelts as his mother turned off the car.

"Can I go to my friends house?" Eddie asked his mother.

"Sure Eddie-bear. But be back home by eight." she said smiling to him. He smiled back before getting out of the car and going to his bike.

"Bye mommy." He said, starting off to Richies house.


Eddie stood in front of Richies door. Of course, his parents weren't home, like usual. He knocked and waited for Richie to answer. After a few seconds, Richie opened the door.

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