Take On Me 💛

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Author: Me
Pairing: Reddie
Song: Take On Me (cover) - Calpurnia
Warnings: Suicide, death, bullying, drugs, smut, self harn
Word count: 3566

Richie had always been. . . misunderstood. He was always different and hung around in the wrong crowds. He didnt mean to be such a pest. He was just naturally a 'bad' kid.

He started being a 'bad' kid when him and Bill Denbrough got into a fight for the second time. Bill punched him for the first time when Richie said his brother was dead, then when he tried to fight back, someone held him back. But the second time, Richie got him back.

Richie had made plans with the Bower gang. He didnt want to necessarily kill Bill, but he wanted to get him back for giving him a bloody nose one day before school started back. The losers group had broken up that first time. When they broke up, it was a tragedy. They lost Beverly to a 'car accident' or at least thats what Pennywise made all of the adults believe. Stan was to go next. He killed himself. No one knew why but Richie could explained it easily. He was gay for the one person who wasnt even the slightest bit gay, and when he admitted it, he got rejected. That was the day he slit his wrists in the bathtub.

Ben died after Stan. Pennywise made it look like an overdose, but Richie knew better. Ben was the best person Richie knew. He had so much to live for and would have never taken a drug.

Bill went to the pharmacy one day, Richie only knew because he had been spying on him. And of course, he was buying condoms for his new girlfriend Audra. Thats when Henry Bowers and Victor Criss went in there, asking to 'talk' outside. Bill, stupidly, agreed and they met behind the pharmacy in the back alley.

"What did you guys wanna talk about?" Bill said, while Richie came up behind him.

"We'll tell you if you turn around." Victor said, smirking as he crossed his arms.

"Uh. . . okay?" Bill said, turning around, only for his lips to be met with the cold metal ring on Richies middle finger.

"S-sonofab-bitch-" Bill groaned as he touched his now bleeding lip. Richie knew what he wanted to say sounded childish, so he kept his mouth shut.

"Really Richie? Thats all? Only one punch. Come on Vic, lets show him how its done." Henry said, jerking Bill back by the seam of his shirt before he pinned him against the wall and punched him in the nose.

"Henry, stop. All I wanted was revenge. He's not worth killing. He doesn't deserve death." Richie said, but Henry didnt listen. Victor kneed Bill in the crotch, making him groan in pain as his body went limp. Henry let him fall to the ground on his side. His eyes were screwed shut.

"Come on, Rich, lets go." Henry called to Richie.

"Bye dickhead." Richie called to Bill, who was still on the ground. Someone came rushing to Bills side when they saw him on the ground. A tiny boy with locks of brown curly hair. He was wearing tiny red shorts and a bright pink shirt.

When the boy looked at Richie, it made Richie run, not wanting to get into anymore trouble with the cops.

He would come to regret the whole situation.


"Thats really coke?" Richie asked Henry who had a baggie filled with a white powdery substance.

"Yea, wanna do some?" Henry smirked down at the younger boy.

"Fuck yes." Richie said, excitedly.

"You got any blades with you?" Henry asked Richie, knowing about his self harming past.

"Y-yea. . ." Richie said, pulling out two blades, one pink, one red. He gave the pink one to Bowers and pocketed the red one.

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