Saya Vandesmont

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Name: Saya Vandesmont
Age: 21
Eyes: a slightly darker blue from when she was a child
Hair: almost Snow White
Culture: Japanese
Family: Her mother and father died shortly after bringing her to the new world. She now thinks of Conner and Mayanna as her family.
Personality: Saya has become more outspoken since she was younger after hanging out with Hakie and Samy. She is no longer afraid to speak her mind when she is fighting for what she believes in.
Likes: She likes a certain boy that she has yet to admit it to the person or Hakie. She is still in love with stormy days because it is so much easier for her to see. She loves to hide and listen in on assassination missions and dream of being an assassin.
Dislikes: She does not like the sun and has learned to hate the Templars.

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