Chapter 16: Misunderstandings

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"Anna! Aarav never lied to you." Rushav started defending Aarav.
"Don't defend him." I replied in a rude way and Rushav kept quiet.

Then Principal sir and the doctor came in and told me I was ready to go back. The case was minor so I was discharged.

Then four of us went back to the hotel. My friends were waiting for me in the hall. But my stupid eyes were in search of Aarav. I was so embarrassed when I saw a group of people. They must had thought me as a fool. Though they welcomed me with a warm smile. I apologized to them for spoiling their day and went to my room. Rushav told me to take care and he too went to his room.

I slept as soon as I reached the room.
"Anna wake up!" Pratisara was waking me up. She was my highschool mate. And in college she was in building B. Building separated us but our bond never changed. I smiled at her. Then she asked me if I needed anything. I shook my head. It was just we two in the room.

"Everyone is having dinner." Pratisara said, reading my face.
"Have you had?" I asked her.
"Yeah, Sumee went after I came." She said.
"I've bought dinner for you." She said, helping me get up.
"Let's go to cafeteria, Sumee must be alone." I said cause she never talked to anyone in the class.
"She's with two guys." Pratisara replied, bringing plate to the bed.

Sumee must be with Aarav and Rushav.
"You wanna go to cafeteria?" Pratisara asked me.
"No!!" I replied. I wasn't ready to face Aarav.
And I had dinner.

"My girl is up." Sumee said, entering the room. I just smiled at her.
"Let's go to terrace after you finish eating." Pratisara turned to me.
"No, I'm tired." I lied.
"You've been sleeping from hours." Sumee scolded me, knowing I was lying. Both of them started forcing me and I couldn't say no.

After dinner we three went to terrace. Aarav must be in the terrace. For my surprise, there were more people than I expected. A guy was playing guitar and rest of them were singing and dancing. Another group were playing truth and dare.

We went and sat with the group who were singing and dancing. The girls from the boat were there. Aarav was no where to be founded. Few days ago, Aarav was no one to me. And there I was searching Aarav in every place I go. A part of me was very angry with him and another part of me wanted him near me. I hadn't seen him since I returned back from hospital. I thought he'd come to my room but he didn't.
That night passed that way.

Next day, we went for cycling. But neither I saw Aarav nor Rushav. Did they return back? I asked Sumee if she knew where they were but she said she hadn't talked to them.

I just wanted the trip to end. I was just pretending to be happy. Deep inside I was feeling very low.
I didn't see Aarav in the remaining days of trip.

Finally the trip ended. We were returning back. I was going towards the bus and then I saw Aarav getting in a bus. He was in Pokhara the whole time, but he didn't even come to meet me. Maybe he was tired of me. I was the one hurt, still he acted as I betrayed him.

We got two days holidays. And I decided to spend those two days in bed.

*Aarav Shrestha liked a photo you're tagged in.*
I nearly jumped when I got the notification. I opened my Facebook. Aarav liked the picture, one of my friend added.
I clicked on his profile. We weren't friends in Facebook. Then I thought about our relationship in real.

No, we screwed up our friendship in one day.
No, we haven't had a big fight.
No, strangers don't share secrets.

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