"It's an hour past noon. We should start getting ready," Peter grumbled.

A holiday party was being hosted at their apartment for the lost boys to all reunite. It was Evelina's idea, and although Pan had agreed at the moment, all he really wanted to do was lay down with his wife and sleep.

"Can't we tell them the party's canceled because we got bronchitis or something?" Peter whined. Evie chuckled and shook her head.

"Get up and go shower. You smell, Pan," she said. She placed Sebastian to watch cartoons and sighed when she suddenly felt a pair of hands begin to massage her shoulders.

"I'll go shower only if you join me, pretty lady," Peter whispered. Evelina hummed. The sensation felt nice but she knew Pan's tricks. He was just trying to get her into bed.

She had fallen for it more than once.

With a swift of her elbow, she managed to hit Pan in his stomach. He doubled over in pain and gasped for air.

"What was that for?!"

"For being a pervert in front of our son."


The party was not as chaotic as Evelina thought it was going to be and for that she was thankful.

The lost boys fussed over little Sebastian. Each of the boys had bought tons of presents for the baby. The biggest one was from Sebastian's godfather.

"I'm not letting Sebastian go on it."

"Don't be a downer, Evelina."

"Felix, what is a 3-year-old supposed to do with a boat?!" Evelina exclaimed as she stared at the ship Felix had apparently built with the other lost boys.

Felix crossed his arms and pouted.

"When he turns 5, I'm going to teach him how to sail," Felix claimed proudly. Peter scoffed.

"I think I trust Killian to teach Seb how to sail more than I trust you," he said as he pushed Felix.

"What does the pirate have that I don't?"

"A sense of direction."

After Felix's demonstration of the massive ship he had made, they all headed back to the apartment. As Peter and Felix argued over the time they both got lost in the Enchanted Forest, Evelina watched as the lost boys all took turns holding Sebastian.

"Evelina, Bash threw up on me," Pogocat whined while the Twins laughed at him. She handed a towel before taking the baby away from them.

"Alright, Sebastian, it's time for your nap," the young mother spoke before he let out a cute yawn. Evelina almost died from cuteness overflow. She retrained herself and walked up the stairs to the nursery. It didn't take long for Seb to fall asleep and soon the room was filled with his soft snores. Evelina sighed happily and turned on the baby monitor before stepping out. She returned to the party and smiled when Peter found her. His arms wrapped around her waist and he quickly placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Love, how's Sebastian?"

"Out like a lamp. I'm sure he won't sleep for very long though," she mused, swapping Peter's wandering hands away.

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