Fight or Flight?

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"If you hurt her I will kill you... slowly" I hissed.


"What if I don't give a fuck about HYDRA because you are all evil? What then? Your major project will have failed... you will be mocked as you are now for life, if I don't kill you first"

His eyes widened. Astrid managed to stamp on his foot and winded him before she drop kicked him. I felt relieved. She turned to face me smiling.

He drew his handgun. There was a defeaning bang which rang out in the dark as he shot her in the back. She stumbled her face looking shocked before she fell to the floor completely lifeless. I screamed.

No sooner had he got to his feet as I slammed into him, his gun flew out of his hand and I wrenched the knife out of his fingers. Pinning him to the floor I continued to punch him in the face. He started to bleed and I split my knuckles as I broke his jaw; I didn't care. He kept laughing and the sound was in my head. I wanted to silence him but I couldn't! Everything started to blur and It was like the ground fell away from beneath me, I fell. His laughter still echoed in my brain, why wouldn't it stop? Then I hit something with the full force of my body, probably the ground. My eyes snapped open. It only took me a few seconds to realise I was back in my real body. I could see various implements laid out on the table and gradually remembered the reason I was here. The pain flooded back much more quickly and I had to fight for it not to take hold of me once more; I had to stay in the real world. I tried moving my wrists. I knew they were locked in metal cuffs attached to the table I was laid on but I found that I could move them enough to so nearly free them. I tried repeatedly getting more frantic each time as I knew that I wouldn't be left alone for long - but it was no use!

Trying to remain calm I stopped took a deep breath and tried again; the right one was looser than the left and I managed, though only just, to tuck my thumb in enough to twist it free. The left was not going to be as easy but now I had the right hand free I could use it to dislocate my thumb so that I could get that one out too. I had to grit my teeth to stop myself from crying out because of the pain I caused along with my other injuries. Once it was free I had to force it back into place. I felt sick when I heard the familiar pop which told me I had succeeded. I looked around surveying my possible escape tactics. I would only get one chance at it. I needed a weapon so i forced myself to stand and then started scrabbling around trying to find the best thing to use as one. I looked over the various torture implements laid out, both those that had already been used and those which were clean of blood; waiting for me. There was not much of major use to me there; they were mostly small and not designed to kill the subject as usually information had to be extracted first I presumed. This of course didn't mean they did not cause excruciating pain as I had soon found out. I only bothered to pocket a basic switchblade from the table before widening my search to the rest of the room. It was then that I realised this was an office. I could only assume that meant I would not be left for long and that Alejandro was a particularly sick man - both things I already knew.

The room was quite large so unsure of where to start and painfully aware that my time was short I made a beeline for his desk. I had hoped to find a gun in his draw but I knew that he would not have taken such a risk and I was right. I would have to get one from one of the guards instead... I glanced around frantically once more and my gaze fell upon the pool table. I grabbed one of the cue's placed it flat on the floor and placing my boot over the tipped end I wrenched it upwards. It broke off diagonally leaving a jagged point as I had intended. Before I could do anything else there was the sound of approaching footsteps. I ducked behind the table hoping I was out of sight. The door slid open and I saw two pairs of combat boots walk in to the room. This meant no Alejandro but most likely two fully armed guards. I had to fight the growing fear of being recaptured or being shot.

On the Run (An Avengers Fanfiction) ✔️Completed (under editing)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz