Dinner Time

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Colby stood at the counter in the bathroom and looked at himself. "Cole! dinner time!". He looks down at the sink and stares at the bloody mess he made and mumbles curse words under his breath. Colby quickly cleaned up the blood and hid the razor blade under the basket in his bathroom.
The voices won't leave him alone..See colby's schizophrenic and hasn't really told anyone in fear of there beliefs getting in the way and kill him. Small sobs escaped his lips as he wrapped his arms his guaze as the voices fought back and worth.

"where is he" Jade softly sighed. "hey sam why don't you go get colby and see what he's doing?" His father asked looking at him. Sam groaned. "okay" and stood up from the table. "where's his bedroom?" He asked. "The last door to your left" She answered. "okay" the blonde nodded and walked up the stairs to colbys bedroom door.

Sam stood in front of the door and knocked softly.

Colby looked up from his knees. He was a mess. Tears running down his face rapidly and breathing heavy. When colby was like this he did..awful things. He stood up and stumbled out the door and opened his bedroom door grabbing sam by his shirt and slamming him on the bed. "scream and trust me" Colby smirked grabbing sams bulge. "you'll be sorry"

"g-get off of me!" Sam exclaimed pushing colby off of him. Colby falls back and grabs sam by the shirt. "tell anyone and i'll fuck you whether you want to or not till you can't even talk, got it?" Colby sneered. Sam nodded as tears glistened in his eyes and ran downstairs.

Colby wiped his mouth from the blonde pushing him and walked downstairs.

"is he coming?" Jade asked politely. Sam couldn't say anything he just nodded.
If he only knew why the brunette was like this.

Colby came down the stairs and sat down at the table next to sam. The blonde moved his chair a little to the side to avoid the Beast.

Colby wanted to grab something and slam it. He wanted to hurt someone. Badly. Emotionally,Verbally, Physically, Even sexually he just wanted to hurt someone really fucking bad.
Do it
Touch him
Touch him
Touch him
The thoughts wouldn't leave his mind.
Everyone was talking and smiling laughing while colby was fighting the urge to hurt anyone. His veins were popping out of his arms and his head was twitching very lightly.

Sam looked over and felt a little bit of concern. "colby? are you okay?" Jade asked. "i'm okay.." He lied. "no he's not" Sam mumbled. Colby snapped his head sams direction and mouthed. I'm fine. Turning it the other way. Sam just looked down and fiddled with his light pink sweater.

Colby was not ok and sam needed to know what was up.

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